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词汇 twig
例句 Koko, a gorilla, enjoys pretend games; she will “smoke” a twig or pencil.大猩猩柯柯喜欢玩模仿游戏,她会把小树枝或铅笔当烟抽。The other end of the twig is sharpened into a sharp point to use as a toothpick.细枝的另一端被削尖用作牙签。It took him about two minutes to twig what I was going on about!大约两分钟以后,他总算明白我在抱怨什么了!Do you twig what I'm getting at?你理解我的意图吗?He bent the twig into an arc.他把嫩枝弯成一个弧形。A twig snapped under her feet.一根细树枝在她脚下咔嚓一声断了。He broke off a twig from a willow tree and used it to shoo the flies away.他折下了一根柳树枝来驱赶苍蝇。I accidentally stepped on a twig, causing the birds to take flight.我无意中踩到了一根小树枝,把鸟群惊飞了。He didn't twig what was going on until it was too late.等到他意识到正在发生的事情,已为时太晚。The snap of a twig broke the silence.一根树枝突然折断打破了寂静。The sharp sound of a twig snapping scared the badger away.细枝突然折断的刺耳声音把獾惊跑了。I don't quite twig what you are driving at.我不太明白你的意思。He shifted his weight and a twig snapped.他挪了一下身体的重心,一根树枝咔嚓一声断了。She broke a twig from a nearby tree and began poking it into the soft ground.她从附近一棵树上折下了一根细树枝,开始戳进软软的地面。She kept dropping hints but I still didn't twig.她不停地给我暗示,但我就是不开窍。The silence of the forest was made evident by the occasional snap of a twig.偶尔的树枝折断声凸显了森林的寂静。She snapped the twig in two.她啪的一声把树枝折成两段。A twig snapped under his foot.一根细树枝在他脚下断了。




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