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词汇 turn to
例句 The children turned to and cleared the dishes away.孩子们起劲地干起来,把碗碟收拾好。Let's turn to the books themselves.让我们回到书本身吧。It's your turn to do the dishes tonight.今晚轮到你洗碗碟。The ship turned to port.船向左舷转去。More and more victims turn to litigation to redress wrongs done to them.越来越多的受害人通过诉讼来申雪冤屈。Their sorrow turned to joy.他们转悲为喜。We should turn to the next item on the list.我们应当看到表上的下一项了。The joy turned to tragedy during his years in Cyprus.他在塞浦路斯的那段日子里,生活由喜转悲。Because you're not burning calories, everything you eat turns to fat.因为你没有消耗热量,吃进去的东西都变成了脂肪组织。Everyone turned to look at Gordon and his voluptuous mistress as they entered the room.戈登和他那位体形丰满的情人走进房间,大家都回头看着他们。While he waited, he picked up a magazine, turned to a page at random, and started reading.等的时候,他拿起一本杂志随便翻到一页就开始读起来。He turned to the study and practice of medicine.他致力于医学的研究和实践。He turned to leave,whereat she began to weep.他转身离去,于是她哭了起来。The potatoes will turn to mush if they are overcooked.马铃薯如果煮过头就会变得烂糊糊的。The fine rain turned to mist in the early evening.傍晚,细雨变成了薄雾。True to form, when it came to his turn to buy the drinks, he said he'd left his wallet at home.像往常一样,轮到他买饮料时,他就称钱包忘在家里了。I turned to Jackie, my nostrils flaring in disgust.我转过身厌恶地看着杰姬,鼻翼呼呼地翕动着。She turned to the crowd, proudly holding up the silver cup.她转向人群,骄傲地举起银杯。By the time it came to my turn to sing, I was very nervous.轮到我唱歌的时候,我都快紧张死了。Whenever she was in a spot she turned to him for help.每当她遇到困难时,就找他帮忙。The old man turned to give her a look of pure surprise.老人转身十分惊奇地看了她一眼。Everyone turned to look at him, and he stared stonily back.大家都转过头去看他,他也冷冷地回瞪着大家。Your breath turns to mist in front of you.你呵出的气会在你面前变成水汽。Kramer said that he turned to crime in a bid to pay off his debts.克雷默说他走上犯罪之路是为了努力还债。When the teams changed over, it was the Fulham goalkeeper's turn to have the sun in his eyes.两队交换场地后,轮到富勒姆队的守门员被太阳晃眼。She turned to see who it was.她回头看到底是谁。She stood watching him as he turned to go.她站着目送他转身离去。I turned to the very end of the book.我翻到了书的最末尾部分。The wood turns to powder in his fingers.木头在他指间会变成粉末。She turned to gaze admiringly at her husband.她转过身来赞赏地凝视她的丈夫。She heard the door opening and turned to see who was coming in.她听见开门声,就转身去看是谁进来了。Do you turn to Jesus Christ our Lord and accept him as your Saviour?你愿意相信耶稣基督并接受他为你的救世主吗?Her husband was unsympathetic and she felt she had no one to turn to.丈夫不体谅她,她觉得无人可以依靠。Fran released the catch on the door, then turned to say goodbye.弗兰拉开门闩,然后转身说再见。The lights turned to amber.交通信号变成了黄灯。His breath turned to steam that winter morning.那个冬天的早晨,他呼出的气都化成了汽雾。He turned to a life of crime as a teenager.他从十几岁起就走上了犯罪道路。When I get tired, such as when I'm working on my computer, I turn to biscuits.我累了的时候,譬如说在电脑前工作累了,就会吃饼干。Unbidden, his thoughts turned to his wife, who had died two years ago.他不禁想到了两年前去世的妻子。Talk turned to money and tempers began to fray.话题一转向钱,火气就上来了。




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