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词汇 turn tail
例句 I turned tail and fled upstairs.我转身逃上楼去。They believed the guerrillas to be an undisciplined rabble that would turn tail when they came up against regular forces.他们认为游击队都是缺乏训练的乌合之众,一旦遇到正规部队就会抱头鼠窜。As soon as they saw we had guns, they turned tail and ran away.他们一看见我们有枪就转身逃走了。He turned tail and ran from the fight.他在战斗中临阵脱逃。You can't just turn tail and run from your problems.你不能遇到难题就逃避。Badly damaged, the enemy ship turned tail hurriedly.敌舰严重受创落荒而逃。I turned tail and fled in the direction of the main house.我掉头就跑,朝主屋方向逃去。When the bully saw my big brother, he turned tail and ran.那欺凌弱小的家伙看见我哥哥就转身溜了。




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