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词汇 blame
例句 You shouldn't blame her. She was merely following orders. 你不应该指责她,她不过是服从命令而已。Many fallen idols blame anyone but themselves for their downfall.很多风光不再的偶像把过气的原因归咎于别人,而不是自己。Cardew proved particularly adroit at avoiding blame.卡迪尤特别善于逃避责备。I did not blame him for feeling put out.我不怪他生气。Talk things through in stages. Do not accuse or apportion blame.把事情按部就班地讲清楚。不要责难或归罪于人。Don't blame the security guard for not letting you in; he is only doing his job.别怪保安不让你进,他不过是尽职而已。The government is not wholly to blame for the current crisis.当前的危机不能完全归罪于政府。He slammed the door and stormed off. I could hardly blame him.他砰的一声关上门,气呼呼地走了。也难怪他会这么做。They tried to shift the blame onto someone else.他们试图把责任推卸到别人身上。Hospital workers were not to blame for a nine-year-old's death, a court decided yesterday.法庭昨天判定,医务人员对一名九岁儿童的死亡并无过错。I had had enough of them heaping all the blame on me.我受够了他们把所有的责任都归在我头上。Don't blame me – it's not my fault.别来怪我 — 又不是我的错。His letter seems to misplace the blame on teachers.他似乎在信里错把责任推给了老师。Poor communication is at least partly to blame. 至少部分原因应当归咎于沟通不善。He claimed that reverse discrimination was to blame for his unemployment.他声称他没有工作是因为受到了反向歧视。The evidence suggests that he's to blame, but let's be careful not to jump to conclusions. He may have a good explanation for what happened.证据表明他应负有责任,但我们还是要谨慎一点,不要贸然下结论。他对于所发生的事情也许会有一个合理解释。There was some wrangling between creditors about who was to blame.债主们就谁该承担责任争论了好一阵。After the way he treated you, I wouldn't blame you if you never spoke to him again.他那样对待你,即使你再也不理他,我也不怪你。He took the lion's share of the blame for the accident.他承担了事故的最大责任。You can't blame him for trying.他要试一试也无可指责。She herself must bear some portion of the blame for what happens to her.对于发生在她身上的事,她自己也得负一部分责任。Who will bear the blame for this tragedy?谁将为这场悲剧负责呢?If it all goes wrong, don't blame me.如果失败了,别怪我。He was absolved of all blame.他被免除了所有罪责。The row rumbles on over who is to blame.责任应由谁承担仍旧争论不休。You know you're to blame, so don't try to wriggle out of it.你知道你要负责任,别想蒙混过去。Don't try to put/lay/pin the blame for your problems on me.别想把你的责任推卸给我。I don't blame you for losing your temper with Ann.我能理解你为什么对安发火。They tried to put the blame on him.他们力图将责任推在他身上。You mustn't blame yourself. It was an accident. There was nothing you could have done.你不应该责怪自己,这是一场意外,你没有办法的。Ms Carey appeared to blame her breakdown on EMI's punishing work schedule.凯丽女士似乎将她的精神崩溃归咎于百代唱片公司高度紧张的工作日程安排。Subsequent investigations placed the blame squarely on city officials.随后的调查毫不含糊地把责任归在市政府官员身上。I accept my share of the blame.我承担自己应负的责任。I blame myself and will never be able to trust my instinct again.我很自责,而且今后再也不能相信自己的直觉了。Trade unions are pinning the blame for the violence on the government.工会正将暴力事件的责任推给政府。I blame his mother. She does everything for him.怪他母亲不好,她什么事都要为他做。They tried to pin the blame on Wilson.他们试图把责任推给威尔逊。He is not wholly to blame for the accident.这次事故不能全怪他。I deny all your imputations of blame.我否认你归咎于我的一切责任。He took the blame upon himself.他站出来承担过错。




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