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词汇 turned out
例句 I innocently mentioned what turned out to be a very painful topic.我无意谈及的一个话题竟然让人十分痛苦。Her doctor turned out to be a real quack.给她看病的医生原来是个不折不扣的庸医。Her husband turned out to be an inoffensive little man.她丈夫原来是个随和的小男人。I thought she was my friend, but she turned out to be a snake in the grass.我原以为她是我的朋友,没料到她竟然是个背后捣鬼的人。The play turned out all right on the night.这出戏初次上演就获成功。The cost turned out to be higher than anticipated.结果表明,费用比预期的要高。T-shirts turned out quickly last week.上周T恤衫卖得快。The revolution turned out to be less peaceful than we had hoped.这场革命结果不如我们期望的那么和平。They had thought the boys wouldn't mind sharing; as it turned out, they minded very much.他们原以为这些男孩子不会介意跟他人合用,可结果却发现他们十分在意。A host of A-list celebrities turned out for the wedding.众多大腕明星出现在婚礼上。The painting, believed to be by Renoir, turned out to be a very clever forgery.这幅被认为是雷诺阿创作的绘画其实是一幅很巧妙的赝品。This has, in fact, turned out to be a wonderful escape clause for dishonest employers everywhere.事实上,这已经成为所有狡猾的雇主们用来躲避责任的绝妙条款。It turned out that they had pocketed most of the money that was supposed to go to victims of the fire.原来他们私吞了应赔偿给火灾受害者的大部分钱。The controversy turned out to be much ado about nothing.这场论战结果证明是无事生非。His estimate has turned out to be more or less correct.事实证明,他的估计基本上是正确的。He turned out to be great at talking the talk but lousy at walking the walk.结果他话说得漂亮,却没有付诸实践。 Andrea turned out the light and stretched full-length on the bed.安德烈亚关了灯,舒展全身躺到了床上。We turned out the bedroom drawers ready for our guest.我们把卧室里的抽屉出清以备客人使用。The principal expected everyone to be well turned out on graduation day.校长希望毕业典礼那天每个人都打扮得整洁漂亮。Fans turned out in their droves to cheer him.大批的粉丝来为他欢呼。The bike turned out to be a real rip-off.这辆自行车最后证明确实物非所值。He turned out to be a spy.他原来是个间谍。Cosgrave's forecast turned out to be quite wrong.科斯格雷夫的预测最后证明是大错特错。My fears turned out to be groundless.结果证明我的担心毫无根据。The news report about the explosion turned out to be false.有关爆炸的新闻报道后来发现有误。That meal turned out to be one of the lowlights of our vacation.结果那顿饭成了我们假期中最扫兴的一部分。The whole controversy turned out to be a storm in a teacup. 结果表明整场争论只是小题大做。The decision to invade Iraq was based on accusations that turned out to be false.决定入侵伊拉克所依据的指控事后证明是错误的。It turned out that it was nothing to fret about/over.原来没什么好担心的。The movie turned out to be a box-office bonanza. 这部影片最终带来了很高的票房收入。The nightclub turned out to be a goldmine.这家夜总会原来是个财源滚滚之地。He turned out the closet in search of his baseball glove.为了找棒球手套,他清空了壁橱。It was the beginning of what turned out to be a long and successful career.这正是日后漫长且成功的职业生涯的开端。Your judgment turned out to be spot-on.你的判断被证明完全正确。Their summer vacation turned out to be much more expensive than they'd bargained for.暑假的花费比他们原先所想的要贵多了。Her latest book turned out to be a real dog.她最近的这本书竟是个蹩脚的作品。Their trip turned out to be a miserable experience.他们的旅行最后变成了一次糟糕的经历。The meeting turned out to be a bit of a marathon.这场会议有点像马拉松。His fame turned out to be ephemeral. 他只是名噪一时。Her theory turned out to be pretty wide of the mark.结果证明她的理论错得离谱。




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