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词汇 turn
例句 The nut was sitting so awkwardly that he couldn't turn it.螺母的位置很奇怪,他拧不动。They fought to turn back the enemy.他们奋起反抗,以将敌军赶回去。If you tell him it's his turn to buy the drinks, you won't see him for dust!如果你说轮到他买饮料了,你就不会见到他的人影!When you leave, make sure you lock the doors and windows, turn off the heating and so on.你走的时候,一定要锁好门窗、关上暖气等等。He seems to have taken an abrupt career turn with his new movie.他的新电影似乎表明,他的事业突然出现了转型。I really don't want to go there. I'd just as soon turn around and go back.我真的不想到那儿去,我宁可转身回去。Don't forget to turn out the lights when you go to bed, okay Annie?你上床的时候别忘了把灯关掉好吗,安妮?Then turn the paper over and fold it, like so.然后把纸翻过来折一下,就像这样。I tried to turn my thoughts to pleasanter things.我努力让自己想些高兴点儿的事。They used fire hoses to turn the mob.他们用救火水龙来驱赶闹事人群。He took a wrong turn and ended up on the coast road.他转错了弯,结果开到了海滨公路上。Many people turn to religion for comfort in a time of crisis.危难时期,许多人转向宗教寻求慰藉。The kids are allowed to watch two hours of television. After that, I turn off the set.孩子们只准看两小时电视节目。看完后,我会关掉电视。His illness took a favourable turn.他的病情有了好转。She had not been friendly to Pete and he, in his turn, was cold to her when she came to stay.她对皮特不太友好,而她来住的时候皮特对她也很冷淡。Is there a way to turn this situation to good account?有没有办法来充分利用这一形势?Her mother taught her, and she in turn taught her own daughter.她母亲教了她,她转而又教了自己的女儿。This in turn reduces the total mass to be accelerated and makes it possible to use new system.这也就降低了需要加速的物品的总质量,使采用新系统成为可能。Cross the bridge and turn right into the town.过桥后向右拐进城。Sometimes things don't turn out the way we think they're going to.有时事情并不像我们认为的那样发展。Why quibble over whose turn it is to buy lunch? Split it, and forget about it.午饭谁付钱有什么好吵的?大家分摊一下算了。She made a sudden right turn off the road in order to escape her pursuers.她突然向右转驶离公路,以甩掉追踪她的人。How could you turn down such a fantastic job?你怎么能拒绝这么好的工作机会呢?I hope I turn out to be right.我希望结果证明我是对的。Make a tight right turn at the traffic light.到了交通信号灯处往右急转弯。According to the map we should turn left.从地图上看,我们应该左拐。It's hard to predict how the election will turn out.这次选举的结果很难预测。Stella's very talented - she could turn her hand to anything.斯特拉很有才华——她什么事都能干好。He claims that when he could not find work, he was forced to turn to crime.他称自己找不到工作,被迫走上犯罪道路。This will serve your turn.这样就适合你的要求。Make a right turn after the lights.过了交通灯后向右转。You may now turn over your papers.现在可以将试卷翻过来了。I'm sorry if I spoke out of turn, Major Karr.如果我说了不该说的话,我很抱歉,卡尔少校。His group was forced to turn back and take an alternate route.他的小组被迫返回并选择了另一条路线。Many modern dictionaries would make Dr. Johnson turn in his grave.许多现代的词典会使约翰逊博士在九泉之下不得安生。At least he had the intelligence to turn off the gas.至少他还知道关掉煤气。Her family came to Los Angeles at the turn of the century.她的祖先在世纪之交时来到洛杉矶。Schmidt failed to turn up for a scheduled meeting on Monday morning.星期一早上,施密特没有出席一个预先安排好的会议。Two of his teammates have decided to turn pro. 他的两个队友决定转为职业运动员。Things don't always turn out the way you want them to.事情不总是按照你期望的方式发展。




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