例句 |
The gas turbine feeds on the fuel it pumps.这台燃气轮机以它所抽入的燃料为能源。The buoyancy of solar-heated air rising up the chimney spins a turbine and generates electricity.日光晒热的空气沿烟囱升起,产生向上推力,推动涡轮旋转发电。Damage to the turbine slowed the work down.涡轮机的损坏使工作变慢了。The spinning turbine creates a vacuum.旋转的涡轮形成了一块真空区域。Such dams can corral off enough water to operate a series of turbine pumps.这种水坝能围出足以驱动一组涡轮泵的水。Algae has clogged the intake to the water turbine.海藻堵塞了水轮机的进水口。A water turbine drives the generator.这台发电机是靠水轮机推动的。 |