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词汇 tumult
例句 The country was in tumult.这个国家陷于一片混乱。I could simply not be heard in the tumult.一片嘈杂声中别人根本听不到我说话。The tumult in the streets awakened everyone in the house.街上的喧哗吵醒了屋子里的每一个人。You couldn't hear her speak over the tumult from the screaming fans.在那些尖叫的歌迷的喧闹声中,你根本无法听清她在说什么。The monotonous humming of the spinning-wheel set her mind in a tumult.手摇纺车单调的咿呀声使她心烦意乱。A great tumult arose in the street.街上出现了一阵骚乱。We had to shout to be heard over the tumult.混乱中我们必须大声叫喊才能让别人听见。The country had witnessed scenes of tumult not far removed from civil war.这个国家经历了无异于内战的动乱局势。A tumult of feelings inside her fought for supremacy.她内心百感交集。The bell made a jangling tumult.铃发出嘈杂的丁当声。A tumult of shots and yells could be heard.可以听到交织在一起的枪炮和号叫声。Round one ends, to a tumult of whistles, screams and shouts.第一局比赛结束了,口哨声、尖叫声与呼喊声一片喧哗。




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