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词汇 tug
例句 A tug is pulling for the wharf.一条拖船正在向码头靠拢。She started the engine with one tug of the starter rope.她拉了一下启动绳启动了引擎。Bobby gave her hair a tug.博比使劲拽了她头发一下。A mother yesterday won a tug-of-love battle for custody of her twin daughters.昨天一个母亲在监护权之争中获胜,赢得了双胞胎女儿的监护权。The sailors won at tug-of-war.船员们赢了拔河比赛。The tug nearly turned turtle twice, but I managed to keep her upright.拖船两次都差点翻个儿,但我设法稳住了船身。She removed the bandage with a sharp tug.她猛地扯下了绷带。She knows exactly how to tug at readers' heartstrings.她对如何牵动读者的心弦了如指掌。The tug-of-war was the last event of the afternoon.拔河是那天下午的最后一个节目。The tug lay directly abeam of us.拖船对准我们船舷的中部停靠着。She gave a little tug on the rope.她轻轻地拉了一下绳子。He gave the handle a gentle tug.他轻轻地拉了一下把手。The tug of urban life drew him from his country home and into the city.都市生活的强大吸引力将他从农村老家吸引到城市来。I gave it a tug and the zipper broke off.我用力一拉,拉链就脱落了。Give the drawer a tug and it will open.把这抽屉用力一拉就可以拉开的。She gave the rope a tug. 她拽了一下绳子。The tug towed the sailboat out of harm's way.拖船把帆船拖离险地。Chelsea and Aston Villa were involved in a tug of war for Liverpool's Ray Houghton last night.切尔西队与阿斯顿维拉队昨夜上演了一场夺人大战,争购利物浦的雷·霍顿。He would tug at it to test its elasticity.他会用力拉一下,试试它的弹性。Feeling a tug at his sleeve, he turned to see Joe beside him.他感觉到有人拉他的袖子,一转身,看到乔在他身边。She felt a sharp tug at her sleeve.她感到衣袖被猛地拽了一下。All it needed was a good tug.只要用力地拉一下就行了。He felt a gentle tug on his sleeve.他感到有人轻轻地拽了一下自己的袖子。Bobby gave her hair a tug博比使劲拽了她头发一下。It was just such a tug as a man in the dark warmth of morning sleep feels it to leave the pillow.就像让人早晨从昏暗温暖的睡梦中离开枕头,真是一番苦苦挣扎。She gave the bell-rope a swift downward tug.她把铃索迅速往下一拉。The steam tug was on her way to the breaker's yard at the end of her naval service.从海军退役后,这艘蒸汽拖轮被送往拆船厂。It's the story of a lost child - guaranteed to tug at the heartstrings.这是一个关于走失儿童的故事——肯定能打动人心。I felt a tug at my sleeve.我感到袖子被拽了一下。There was a constant tug-of-war between the military and the President.军队和总统之间是一场无休止的激烈斗争。The two countries have been involved in a tug-of-war over control of the region.两国已经陷入了对这一地区控制权的激烈争夺之中。The tug was seaward of the Hakai Passage on a course that diverged from the Calvert Island coastline.托船驶离卡尔弗特岛海岸朝哈凯航道驶去。




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