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词汇 tub
例句 I take a cold tub every morning.我每天早晨洗一个凉水澡。She lay back in the tub.她向后靠着躺在浴缸里。Is there enough water in the tub to float your boat?浴缸里有足够的水来浮起你的小船吗?We let the pans soak overnight in a tub of soapy water.我们把平锅放在一盆肥皂水中泡了一夜。The condo was beautiful, and they had plenty of privacy, with a hot tub in a little private garden.那套公寓很漂亮,他们有足够的私人空间,小小的私家花园里有浴缸可以洗热水澡。He peeled the paper top off a little white tub and poured the cream into his coffee.他把小白盒上的纸盖撕去,然后把奶油倒进他的咖啡里。The child is eating a tub of ice-cream.孩子在吃纸杯冰淇淋。The baby liked to splash in its tub.婴儿喜欢在澡盆里泼水。She was running hot water into the tub.她在往澡盆里放洗澡水。I love soaking in a hot tub.我喜欢泡热水澡。He is still addressing rallies in his usual tub-thumping, arrogant way.他在集会上讲话还是那样慷慨激昂,盛气凌人。She climbed out of the tub and quickly toweled off. 她爬出浴缸,用毛巾迅速擦干身子。The child was eating a tub of ice-cream.孩子正在吃纸杯冰淇淋。The water splashed out of the tub upon the floor.水从缸里飞溅出来,落在地板上。The water in the tub overflowed.浴缸里的水溢出来了。I'll fill the tub for you while you take off those wet clothes.你把湿衣服脱了,我帮你给浴缸放水。I had a long, hot soak in the tub.我在浴缸里泡了个长时间的热水澡。They consumed a tub of beer.他们喝掉一桶啤酒。It's good to sink into a nice, hot tub at the end of a hard day's work.一天劳累之后,泡在盛满热水的浴缸里真舒服。She ate the whole tub of ice cream.她吃了满满一桶冰激凌。She took a dipper of hot suds from the tub.她从浴池里汲出一勺热的肥皂水。He took a dunk in the tub.他在浴缸了泡了一会儿。The child sloshed the water in the tub.那个孩子把浴缸里的水搅得哗哗作响。He relaxed and soaked in the tub.他放松下来,在浴缸里泡了个澡。I've been at sea for four lousy weeks in this tub.我已经乘这条老爷船在海上航行了四个倒霉的星期。She gave the tub a good clean. 她把浴缸彻底清洗干净了。She scooped some ice cream out of the tub.她从纸杯里舀了些冰淇淋出来。What I need is to soak in a hot tub.我需要在热腾腾的澡盆里好好地泡一泡。My grandmother used a wooden tub to wash clothes.我祖母过去用木盆洗衣服。All the time Stephen was lying face down and unconscious in the bath tub.斯蒂芬一直脸朝下趴在浴缸里,不省人事。The bathroom has a shower and tub.浴室里有淋浴和浴盆。




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