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Everyone else was in jeans and T-shirts and I had my office clothes on - I stuck out like a sore thumb.别人都穿着牛仔裤和休闲服,而我穿着正装——我显得太扎眼了。T-shirts, long the epitome of American casualness, have grown up and moved upscale.长期以来作为美国休闲风代表的T恤已经崛起,档次也提高了。Designers often wear worn-out jeans and wrinkled T-shirts.设计师通常穿着破旧不堪的牛仔裤和皱巴巴的体恤。The kids bought transfers and ironed them onto their T-shirts.孩子们买来转印图画,然后用熨斗印到他们的短袖圆领运动衫上。Tie-dyed T-shirts are very popular in some countries.扎染的衬衣在一些国家很流行。 |