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词汇 trivial
例句 This may sound trivial, but I assure you it is quite important!.这听上去也许微不足道,但是,相信我,它十分重要!My mind attempted to calm itself by fastening on this trivial detail.我尝试将注意力集中在这个小细节上以让自己平静下来。The only movement he could achieve was a trivial flutter of the left eyelid.他所能作出的惟一动作只是左眼睑微微的一颤。Usually it is the trivial minutiae of life that we forget.通常我们忘记的是生活中的琐碎细节。It was a badly researched documentary that glossed over important questions while pointing up trivial ones.这部纪录片的研究工作做得很毛糙,一味强调细枝末节,却掩盖了那些重要的问题。The injuries were relatively trivial.受伤相对不太严重。Please don't omit any details, no matter how trivial they may seem.请勿忽略任何细节,不管这些细节看似多么琐碎。The old woman often gets angry about trivial things.老太太常因琐屑小事发火。Apparently trivial clues may turn out to be important.看似微不足道的线索实际上可能相当重要。Don't marry that trivial young man, please.千万别嫁给那个浅薄轻浮的年轻人。How strange to think that a man's life could hinge on such a trivial mistake.想想真是奇怪,一个人的一生竟然会为这样一个微不足道的错误所决定。Lying under oath is not a trivial offence.已宣誓却撒谎不是小过失。Darren seemed reluctant to own even so trivial a fault.达伦看起来连这么小的错误也不愿意承认。Why waste time watching trivial TV programs?何必把时间浪费在没有意义的电视节目上呢?She often makes much of trivial matters.她常常小题大作。She filled her days with trivial tasks.她让一些琐细的事务占据了自己的全部时间。It's useless to fire away with such trivial details.喋喋不休地谈这些琐碎的细节是无用的。She showed her inexperience by asking lots of trivial questions.她问了很多琐碎的问题,表明她缺乏经验。You may consider this sort of information trivial, but I can assure you it is extremely important.你也许认为这种信息没有什么大不了,但我向你保证它非常之重要。Getting computers to understand human language is not a trivial problem.让计算机懂得人类语言可不是一个容易解决的问题。I don't know why they're tying themselves in knots over such a trivial problem.我不明白他们为什么会为这点小事纠结。His mood can be gauged by his reaction to the most trivial of incidents.从他对鸡毛蒜皮的小事的反应就可以判断出他的情绪。We were punished for the most trivial offences.我们稍有过错就会受到惩罚。He raged over such a trivial matter.他为这么一丁点儿小事大发其火。He gets steamed up over trivial things.他因琐事而生气。The issue of where the peace talks will be held may seem trivial, but to the participants it is very important.和谈在哪里举行也许看上去微不足道,但是对与会者来说却十分重要。The director tried to wave aside these issues as trivial details that could be settled later.主管试图对这些问题置之不理,认为都是些细枝末节的小事,可以稍后解决。He and his wife are often at loggerheads over the most trivial matters.他和妻子常为一些鸡毛蒜皮的事吵架。Compared to her problems, our problems seem trivial.比起她的问题,我们的似乎微不足道。Let's stop discussing trivial details and get to the point.咱们别再谈琐碎细节了,说正事吧。Don't waste your time on these trivial things.不要把你的时间浪费在这些琐事上。I don't know why he gets so upset about something so trivial.我不明白他因何为芝麻大的事儿也如此烦恼。Stated thus, the problem seems trivial.如此说来,问题看来无关宏旨。Stories with striking visual impact or human interest (however trivial) will almost always receive coverage.具有强烈视觉效果或者人情味的故事(无论多么微小)几乎总会被报道。He made a few essentially trivial changes.他做了一些实质上无多大意义的变动。I don't like to visit the doctor just for something trivial.我不喜欢为一点小毛病就去看医生。Why do they get so upset over such a trivial matter?他们为什么要为这种小事心烦呢?It's a trivial matter and not worth fighting about.这是小事,不值得为此争吵。It was just a trivial mistake that got blown up into something much worse. 这只不过是个被过分夸大的小错误。A trivial incident, perhaps, but one that has stuck in my mind.也许只能算是一件微不足道的小事,却在我心里挥之不去。




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