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例句 Anyone who tries to change the system will have to reckon with me. = Anyone who tries to change the system will have me to reckon with. 任何企图改变这个体系的人都得先过我这关。He tries to turn a woman he meets into the embodiment of his dead lover.他试图把他见到的一个女人化身为他死去的恋人。The story is about a mad scientist who tries to bring dead people back to life.这是一个狂人科学家试图使死人复活的故事。After a few tries Patrick had given up any attempt to reform his brother.几次尝试之后,帕特里克放弃了改造弟弟的任何努力。Modernist architecture tries to conquer nature instead of working with it.现代主义建筑试图征服自然,而不是与自然共处。He chokes up whenever he tries to talk about the accident.每当他想要谈起那次事故时,就哽咽着说不出话来。She tries to nudge her students into reading more.她试着鼓励她的学生多阅读。She tries to keep/stay on top of current events.她尽量保持了解时事。She lives off the interest and tries to keep the principal intact.她靠利息过日子,尽量不动用本金。David tries to avoid work at all times.戴维总是试图躲避工作。The author tries to codify important ideas about language.作者试图整理出有关语言的重要观点。The book tries to mesh philosophy and/with humor.这本书想要把哲学和幽默糅合在一起。After several tries we were forced to accept/admit/concede defeat.几次尝试之后,我们被迫接受/承认失败。She tries a lot of new recipes that she dreams up herself.她尝试许多自己凭空想出的新的烹饪方法。He tries to put himself across as a nice guy.他尽量装成个好人。He tries to be kind, but he always seems a little uptight.他想表示友好,但总是显得有点紧张。He tries to marry the Canadian manufacturers with the foreign buyers.他试图为加拿大的制造厂商与外国买主牵线搭桥。He tries to laugh off his resentment at the intrusion.他想用笑声来掩饰他对别人打扰的不满。 The book is sometimes confusing because the writer tries too hard to cover all the bases.这本书有时令人困惑,因为作者过于追求面面俱到。Ray tries to compensate for his shyness by telling a lot of jokes.雷经常讲笑话,试图弥补自己害羞这一缺点。The hospital architect tries to create an environment conducive to healing.医院的建筑师试图营造一个有益于病愈的环境。She never tries anything because she's terrified of failure.她故步自封,因为她害怕失败。A child tries to approximate his parents' speech.孩童试图模仿父母说话的腔调。Our subconscious mind tries to protect us.我们的潜意识会想要保护我们。She is an actress who always tries to submerge herself completely in a role.她是那种总是全身心投入角色的演员。Asthma tries him a great deal.哮喘折磨得他够受的。The school tries to help students reach/realize their full potential. 学校努力帮助学生实现/发挥他们最大的潜能。She falls to pieces when she tries to talk about the accident.当她试图谈论那起事故时,她的感情失控了。She tries not to snack between meals.她尽量不在正餐之间吃点心。In order to get votes, he tries to be all things to all men.为了拉到选票,他就想四面讨好。The organization tries to deal with the widespread problems of drug addiction and alcoholism.该团体试图解决涉及面很广的吸毒和酗酒问题。She tries to remain emotionally detached from her patients.她努力使自己的情绪不受病人的影响。A reporter tries to guard against inaccuracies by checking with a variety of sources.报告人核查资料来源以防止出现差错。Each nation tries to maintain a favorable balance of trade with other countries. 每个国家都尽力同其他国家保持贸易顺差。He tries to remain emotionally detached from the prisoners, but fails.他试图不带感情地对待那些犯人,但是做不到。The company tries to keep up with advancing technology.公司努力跟上迅速发展的技术。The documentary tries its hardest to be truthful to actual events. 这部纪录片力求如实地展现事件的真相。He tries not to let his business interfere his home life.他尽量不让日常工作妨碍他的家庭生活。The government tries to block foreign sites deemed subversive.政府试图阻止他们认为有破坏作用的国外网站。He tries to be creative within the limits of conventional journalism.他努力在传统新闻的限度内进行创新。




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