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词汇 blackmail
例句 This is just emotional blackmail to make mothers feel guilty for going to work.让母亲因为出去工作而产生罪恶感实在是情感勒索。She started off by accusing him of blackmail.她以敲诈为由开始控告他。She was a prime target for blackmail, you see.你看,她是敲诈勒索的头号目标。That was a terrible case of blackmail in the paper today.今天报上登的那宗勒索案真可怕。He used emotional blackmail to get what he wanted from her. 他利用情感进行要挟,以从她身上得到自己想要的东西。Barrett was in court, facing a charge of blackmail.巴雷特在法庭上面临勒索的指控。I don't believe she would ever stoop to bribery or blackmail.我不相信她会堕落到行贿和勒索的地步。Opponents accused him of blackmail and extortion.对手指控他敲诈勒索。We are not going to give way to blackmail.我们不会屈服于讹诈。Supposing he tried to blackmail you?要是他想要敲诈你呢? She had tried to use the photographs to blackmail him into marrying her.她想用这些照片要挟他,迫使他娶她。We can't let him practise this emotional blackmail on us.我们不能听任他对我们进行这样的情感勒索。She started off by accusing him of blackmail but he more or less ignored her.她先是指控他勒索,但他几乎不理睬她。Don't let him emotionally blackmail you.不要让他在情感上胁迫你。The unmistakable whiff of electoral blackmail could be detected.能够发觉选举中确定无疑存在讹诈的蛛丝马迹。I thought he was trying to blackmail me into saying whatever he wanted.我认为他想敲诈我,让我说出他想知道的一切。Any relationship that has to depend on emotional blackmail can't be a healthy one.必须靠以感情作胁迫维持的关系不可能是健康的。You can't blackmail me, because you're involved too. I've got you by the balls.你可敲诈不了我,因为你也牵涉其中。我有你的把柄在手。Gina tried to blackmail him, by threatening to tell his wife about their affair.吉娜企图敲诈他,威胁说要把两人之间的婚外恋告诉他妻子。She's always using emotional blackmail and playing on other people's feelings.她老是用感情来胁迫别人,玩弄人家的感情。The tactics employed can range from overt bullying to subtle emotional blackmail.从公然威吓到微妙的情感胁迫,各种战术都用上了。It's blackmail pure and simple.这纯粹是敲诈。New evidence implicates Mr Stapleton and his wife in the blackmail attempt.新的证据表明斯特普尔顿先生和他的妻子与敲诈案有牵连。His attempt to get us to help him is just a veiled form of blackmail.他想让我们帮他,这只是一种拐弯抹角的勒索罢了。Someone was trying to blackmail him with pictures of him and his mistress.有人试图用他和他情妇的照片敲诈他。The servant extorted blackmail from her employer.那个女仆从雇主那里敲诈了一笔钱。Bates got a 5-year jail sentence for blackmail.贝茨因讹诈被判入狱五年。He was an old hand at blackmail.他是个敲诈勒索的老手。She was a prime target for blackmail.她是敲诈勒索的首要目标。She was a prime target for blackmail, don't you see?她是敲诈的主要目标。你难道看不出来吗?That was a terrible case of blackmail in the paper today.今天报纸上登的那个是件性质恶劣的敲诈勒索案。You cannot blackmail a man who has nothing to hide.对没有秘密要隐瞒的人是无法进行讹诈的。




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