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词汇 treasure
例句 Come on, treasure, let's go and see Granny.赶快,宝贝儿,我们看奶奶去。Try diving for sunken treasure.试着潜入水下找寻沉没的财宝。The city is a treasure house of art. 这座城市是一个艺术宝库。Divers found a treasure trove of gold and silver in the wreckage of a ship that sank hundreds of years ago.潜水者在几百年前沉没的船只残骸中找到了一堆金银财宝。The pirates buried their treasure.海盗埋藏了他们的财宝。This Islington shop is a treasure trove of beautiful bridalwear.这家位于伊斯灵顿区的商店汇聚了各种式样的漂亮新娘装。This photograph from our wedding is my greatest treasure.我们这张婚礼上拍的照片是我最珍爱的宝贝。Windsor Castle is quite literally an antique treasure trove…温莎城堡确实是名副其实的古物宝藏。His book is a treasure trove of information about music.他的书是音乐知识的宝库。A single mistake could mean the ruin of a priceless treasure forever.一个错误就可能把一件无价之宝的价值永久毁掉。A vast treasure-trove of virtually unheard melody awaits discovery by this new audience.大量不为人知的优美旋律正等着这批新听众来发掘。I treasure our friendship.我很珍视我们的友谊。Books are treasure houses of knowledge.书籍是知识的宝库。This book is a treasure chest of information.这本书是个信息百宝箱。We treasure this dearly purchased victory.我们珍惜这次以惨重的代价换来的胜利。It was here, the buried treasure, she knew it was.就在这里,那些埋藏在地下的财宝,她知道就在这里。You'll treasure these pictures.你将会珍藏这些图片。Our baby sitter is a real treasure!来我家临时照顾小孩的保姆真是个不可多得的好帮手! He's a national treasure and our biggest tourist draw.他是我们的国宝,又是最吸引游客的人。The map indicates where the treasure is buried.这个地图标明了财宝的埋藏地。A vast treasure trove of virtually unheard melody awaits discovery by this new audience.大量不为人知的优美旋律正等着这批新听众来发掘。It was an experience I will treasure for the rest of my life.我的余生都会珍惜这次经历。I treasure the moments we spent together.我很珍视我们一起度过的那些时刻。Though small, this museum is a veritable treasure trove of history.尽管这个博物馆很小,却也是大量史实资料的宝库。I will always treasure these memories.我会永远珍藏这些记忆。We shall take the treasure away to a safe place.我们应该把这些宝物带到一个安全的地方。Thousands will welcome the return of this national treasure.成千上万的人将会欢迎这个国宝的归来。The area is a treasure trove of fossils. 这一地区是化石宝库。Grandmother's nurse has been a real treasure.奶奶的护士一直非常受人喜爱。The adventurers set sail on a treasure hunt.冒险者们出海寻宝去了。The treasure was buried deep within the ground.财宝深埋于地下。My secretary's a real treasure.我的秘书是个难得的人才。They went to the cave in quest of hidden treasure.他们到山洞去寻找宝藏。Our housekeeper is a real treasure.我们的管家真是一个宝。They dug up buried treasure.他们挖掘出埋藏的宝物。The diary is a treasure trove to the abnormal psychologist.这日记对于研究变态心理的专家来说乃是不可多得的资料宝库。I treasure the moments I spend with my grandchildren.我很珍惜和孙儿们度过的那些时光。Come here, treasure, and give me a kiss.过来,宝贝儿,吻我一下。Windsor Castle is quite literally an antique treasure trove.温莎堡可谓是名副其实的古物宝藏。They would first have to work out some scheme for getting the treasure out.他们首先得想个法子把财宝取出来。




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