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词汇 trainer
例句 He works out every morning with his personal trainer.他每天早上与他的私人教练一起训练。The trainer gave him a rubdown after the game.比赛结束后,教练为他做了按摩以放松肌肉。He has carved a reputation for toughness as a trainer.他树立了铁面教练的名声。She went to the gym with her trainer.她和她的教练一起去了健身房。He was able to serve his apprenticeship as a trainer with Eddie Futch.他当时师从埃迪·富齐学当拳击教练员。Skills cannot be transferred directly from a trainer to a trainee.技术无法直接从培训师转给受训者。A special trainer has been brought in to work on her fitness.特别聘任了一位教练负责改善她的体能。He's quite a strict trainer, but we all like him.他是一个相当严格的教练,但我们大家都很喜欢他。She walks on the elliptical trainer for two hours every day to stay fit.她每天在滑步机走上两个小时以保持身材。The horse made a winning start for his new trainer.这匹马为它的新驯马师开了个好头。She is a fitness instructor and personal trainer.她是个健身教练,并提供一对一训练指导。I work as a teacher trainer.我从事教师培训的工作。He might have had some fast talking to do to escape a blast from the trainer.他可能要赶快把话说完,以免受教练一顿劈头训斥。Sandy works out with her personal trainer every week.桑迪每周和她的私人健身教练一起健身。He is an animal trainer for the circus.他是马戏团的驯兽师。My trainer says I can win the race if I really work hard.我的教练说,要是我真的非常努力的话,我可以赢下这次比赛。Her trainer said yesterday that she would be a strong contender for a place in Britain's Olympic squad.她的教练昨天说,她将是英国奥运代表队席位的有力争夺者。She hired a trainer to create a personalized exercise schedule to get her into shape.她请了一名教练来为她量身定制一个塑身计划。A trainer came in to demonstrate how the new computer system worked.一位培训员进来演示这个新的电脑系统如何运作。The trainer rubbed down the players after the game to keep them from getting sore.比赛结束后,教练给运动员按摩以防肌肉酸痛。A trainer has been brought in to work on her fitness.请来一位教练帮她健身。He's been sparring with his trainer.他一直在和教练练习拳击。I've decided to hire a personal fitness trainer.我打算雇用一位私人健身教练员。She hired a personal trainer.她雇了一名私人教练。The jockey followed his trainer's instructions to the letter.赛马骑师严格执行教练的指令。The horse made a winning start for his new trainer.这匹马为它的新驯马师赢得了首场胜利。The tennis star has parted company with his Austrian trainer.这位网球明星与他的奥地利教练分道扬镳。




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