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词汇 tragedy
例句 It is a terrible tragedy for this small community. Everyone here is grieving.对于这个小小的社区来说这是一场惨剧,人人都在悲痛之中。She wrote feelingly about the tragedy.她饱含感情地写了有关这部悲剧的评论。The tragedy is that this whole region remains teeming with desperately poor people.可悲的是这整个地区仍然挤满了穷困的人。A fresh tragedy was narrowly averted yesterday.昨天险些酿成一场新的悲剧。This tragedy serves as a stark reminder of the dangers of drunk driving.这场悲剧残酷地提醒着人们酒后驾车的危险。Oedipus Rex is considered as the archetype of tragedy in Western literature.在西方文学中,「伊迪帕斯王」被认为是悲戏的原型。The film combines whimsy and tragedy in equal measure. 这部电影同时融合了怪诞与悲剧。She was the sole survivor of the tragedy.她是这场灾难的唯一幸存者。It would be a great tragedy if outdoor education became lost to all but a minority of pupils.如果户外教育不再面向所有学生,只针对少数人,那将是个极大的悲剧。The tragedy drew us closer together. 这场悲剧使我们的关系更加亲密。Pushing her in the river seemed like a harmless prank, but it ended in tragedy.把她推入河中似乎是个于人无害的恶作剧,可最终酿成了悲剧。Their personal tragedy was being played out in public.他们的个人悲剧正逐渐显现在公众眼前。His death was the second skiing tragedy in less than a week.他的死亡成了不到一周时间里的第二起滑雪悲剧。His early death was a great tragedy for his family.他的早逝是他家庭的巨大不幸。What genre does the book fall into - comedy or tragedy?这本书属于什么体裁——喜剧还是悲剧?The incident could have ended in tragedy.这起事件本会以悲剧收场。The students are studying Greek tragedy.学生们正在研究希腊悲剧。Within hours of the tragedy happening, an emergency rescue team had been assembled.悲剧发生后几小时之内,就集结起来一支紧急救援队伍。We all share in the responsibility for this tragedy.我们大家都对这场悲剧负有责任。In general, I prefer a comedy to a tragedy.一般说来,我喜欢喜剧甚于悲剧。Their story is a tragedy in more ways than one. 从许多方面看,他们的故事都是一场悲剧。This is a tragedy in the fullest sense of the word.从任何意义上讲,这都是个悲剧。It began as a jest and ended as a tragedy.事情以玩笑开始,以悲剧告终。The novel weds tragedy and comedy.这部小说融合了悲剧和喜剧。Only the passing of time will help her deal with this tragedy.只有时间的流逝才能使她逐渐淡忘这场悲剧。Their elemental passion led to tragedy.他们的强烈激情酿成了悲剧。She said the tragedy had been exploited by the media.她说这起惨案被媒体不正当利用了。One violent incident turned into a political and family tragedy.有一起暴力事件演变成了一场政治和家庭悲剧。The play suddenly changes from farce to tragedy.这出戏突然从闹剧转变成悲剧。Maskell's life had not been without tragedy.马斯克尔的生活亦有过变故。All those weeks had been overshadowed by the tragedy of his disappearance.他失踪的悲剧使这几个星期一直蒙着一层阴影。The biggest tragedy here is that the accident could have easily been prevented.最大的可悲之处在于,这场事故本来是很容易避免的。Three factors militate against tragedy turning into disaster.三种因素阻止了悲剧变成灾难。The tragedy was entirely avoidable.那场悲剧是完全可以避免的。The situation ended in tragedy when the gunman shot and killed two students.持枪歹徒开枪打死了两名学生,最终造成了惨剧。This tragedy has heightened our awareness of the need for improved safety measures.这一悲剧强化了我们改进安全措施的意识。The film cynically alternated tragedy with farce.影片讽刺性地在悲剧和闹剧之间来回转换。Why did this tragedy happen here and now? Such questions are easier to ask than to answer.为何这个悲剧发生在此时此地呢?这类问题问起来容易答起来难。People who witnessed the tragedy describe a scene of disorder as rescuers tried to find survivors.目睹惨剧发生的人们描述了救援者找寻幸存者时的混乱场面。Art should deal with the human drama and tragedy of everyday life.艺术应当展现人类日常生活中的悲欢离合。




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