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词汇 trader
例句 You can set up in business as a sole trader, in partnership or as a limited company.你可以以个体、合伙或有限公司的形式创业。She is a stock/bond/commodities trader.她是股票/债券/商品交易人。He bargained the trader down to a very good price.他把商人开的价格杀到自己十分满意的地步。Finance for a sole trader usually comes from the individual's own savings or from family and friends.个体户的资金通常来自个人积蓄或亲朋好友。He made a good wage as a trader.作为交易员他挣的工资很高。The town square is full of trader's stalls.城镇的广场上摆满了生意人的货摊。Watch out for him, he's an old horse trader.要提防他,他是个会算计的交易老手。When a trader holds a large position in a falling currency, he is obliged to make margin payments every month.当交易者在币值下跌中持有较大的仓位量时,就不得不每月缴纳保证金。He is a well-known trader on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange.他是纽约证券交易所有名的交易人。A trader with a corner owns all of a commodity.垄断商人全面控制某一类商品。A trader said gold sold briskly on the local market.一个商人说当地市场上黄金卖得很红火。The canny trader made a large profit.这个精明的商人赚了大钱。




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