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词汇 traces
例句 Before painting, remove all traces of rust with a wire brush.在刷油漆前,要用钢刷去除所有的锈迹。She had him under her thumb for many years, but he finally kicked over the traces.许多年来她一直把他攥在手掌心里,但他终于摆脱了她的控制。Police dogs have a very keen sense of smell and can scent even the slightest traces of drugs.警犬的嗅觉非常灵敏,即使是一点点毒品的气味也能嗅出来。Police found traces of blood on the killer's shoes.警方在凶手的鞋子上发现了几丝血迹。The scientists found traces of human activity in the area.科学家们在这个地区找到了人类活动的遗迹。Tests have revealed traces of poison in his food.检验发现,他的食物里有微量毒物。The cup bore traces of lipstick.杯子上有口红的痕迹。They will test the soil for traces of lead.他们将检测土壤中是否含铅。They uncovered vestigial traces of the home's original wallpaper.他们发现了住所原有壁纸的残迹。Frequent flooding eventually obliterated all traces of the community that used to live there.频繁的洪水最终把人类在那儿居住过的痕迹破坏得一干二净。The movie traces the changing fortunes of a poor family in Southern Australia.这影片追述了南澳大利亚的一个穷苦人家多变的生活遭遇。A quick rinse isn't sufficient. Use plenty of running water to wash away all traces of shampoo.光快速冲洗一下是不够的。得用大量流水把残余的洗发水都洗干净。Forensic experts found traces of blood in the car.法医专家在车里发现了血迹。The cart overturned, the horse plunging and rearing in its traces.马车翻倒,马往前一冲,套着挽绳的上半身直立起来。The tradition traces back to the last century.这一传统可以追溯到上个世纪。Officials said they had found no traces of violence on the body of the politician.官员称他们没有在这位政治家的尸体上发现暴力侵犯的痕迹。The water was found to contain traces of cocaine.发现水里含有微量可卡因。His fear of snakes traces back to an experience in his childhood.他对蛇的惧怕溯自他孩童时的一次经历。He worked to remove all traces of blood.他忙着清除所有的血迹。The book traces the development of philosophy.该书追溯了哲学的发展过程。Police found minute traces of blood on the car seats.警察在汽车的座位上发现几丝血迹。Many local people were very eager to get rid of the last traces of their town's shameful past.当地有许多人都急于抹去小镇最后这些可耻的历史痕迹。The autopsy discovered traces of poison in the victim's blood.尸体解剖揭示出受害者血液中有毒物的痕迹。Sondheim's book traces the changing nature of the relationship between men and women.桑德海姆的这本书探索男女之间关系的变化。Wash them in cold water to remove all traces of sand.用冷水冲洗它们以清除所有的沙子。In his mind there lurked some vestigial traces of conscience.在他的内心还隐藏着些许残余的良知。The book traces how fashions have changed over the years.这本书追踪了这些年的时尚变化。Looking closely you could see traces of grey in her hair.仔细地看,你会看到她头上的白发。There were traces of explosives in the bedroom.卧室里有炸药的痕迹。Her book traces the development of art through the ages.她的这本书追述了艺术的发展史。Sorrow has left its traces on her face.悲伤在她脸上留下了痕迹。The book traces centuries of debate over the origins of language.这本书追溯了几个世纪以来关于语言起源的争论。The burglar had left several traces of his presence.窃贼在现场留下了几处痕迹。Meat which has been cooked thoroughly shows no traces of pinkness.彻底煮熟的肉不会带有血色。In the opening chapter, the author traces the development of judo from its ancient roots.在开头的一章里,作者追溯了柔道从古代起的发展过程。The archaeologists found some traces of an ancient civilization in that area.考古学家们在那个地区发现了一些古代文明的遗迹。You must remove all traces of rust before repainting the windows.重新油漆窗户之前先得把所有锈迹都擦掉。There are traces of impurities in the gold.黄金里留有微量杂质的痕迹。Remove all traces of rust with a small wire brush.用小钢丝刷擦去所有锈迹。Floyd was banned from racing after a drug test revealed traces of amphetamine in his urine.弗洛伊德因兴奋剂检测显示其尿样中含有微量安非他明成分而被禁赛。




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