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词汇 toxic waste
例句 We need more installations for the disposal of toxic waste.我们需要更多的设备来处理有毒废料。The government has announced a ban on all imports of toxic waste from abroad.政府已宣布禁止从国外进口有毒废料。The government is planning to tighten up regulations governing the transport of toxic waste.政府正计划收紧对运送有毒废弃物的监管条例。The real problem is toxic waste and oil slicks.最重要的问题是有毒尾气和水面浮油。The factory had accidentally released a quantity of toxic waste into the sea.这家工厂意外泄漏大量有毒废物到海中。Local communities are campaigning against the dumping of toxic waste.当地社区正在进行反对倾倒有毒垃圾的运动。The government decided to prohibit the import of toxic waste.政府决定禁止有毒废品的进口。Large parts of the Mediterranean are still polluted with toxic waste.地中海的大部分海域仍受到有毒废弃物的污染。A new centre for research on toxic waste was inaugurated today at Imperial College.新建的有毒废物研究中心今天在皇家学院举行落成典礼。Companies must call a halt to the dumping of toxic waste at sea.所有公司必须停止倾倒有毒废料入海的行为。The company had illegally dumped toxic waste.这个公司非法倾倒有毒废料。Nuclear-weapons plants across the country are heavily contaminated with toxic waste.有毒废弃物严重污染了全国的核武器工厂。Much toxic waste had built up in his bloodstream.他的血液里聚集了很多有毒的废物。 The company was fined for dumping toxic waste into the river.公司因往河里倾倒有毒废弃物被罚款。The convention established procedures for the transport of toxic waste.这一公约规定了运输有毒废物的程序。Cadmium is a toxic waste product of the electronics industry.镉是电子工业产生的一种有毒废物。This is standard procedure for getting rid of toxic waste.这是清除毒物的标准步骤。




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