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词汇 to worry about
例句 You'll come to understand my way of thinking when you're my age and you have your own children to worry about.等你到了我现在的年纪,有自己的孩子需要操心的时候,你就会理解我的想法了。The dermatologist said that the baby's rash was nothing to worry about.皮肤科医生说,那个婴儿的皮疹没有什么可担心的。All kids her age do silly things; it's nothing to worry about.她这个年龄的孩子都会做傻事,根本不用担心。The work will be done on time. You have nothing to worry about on that score.工作会按时完成,这点你不用担心。Looking gaunt and tired, he denied there was anything to worry about.他看起来消瘦而疲惫,却说没什么可担心的。She had the children to worry about, not forgetting finding a job.她有孩子们要操心,此外还有找工作的事。The nurse said her condition was nothing to worry about. 护士说她的病情没什么大碍。I'll let you have the money, so there's nothing to worry about on that score.我会给你钱的,这样你就不用为钱的事担心了。Anyone who does consistently good work doesn't need to worry about occasionally goofing off on the job.工作一直出色的人偶尔偷偷懒也没有关系。You don't need to worry about me.你不必替我担心。Now that I'm self-employed, I don't have to worry about office politics.我现在单干了,就不用为办公室里的勾心斗角发愁了。Don't bother Harry-he has enough to worry about as it is.不要打扰哈里 - 他的烦心事已经够多了。Calm down, there's nothing to worry about.安静下来吧,没有什么值得焦虑的。Frank said there was nothing to worry about, but it all sounded very fishy to me.弗兰克说没有什么好担心的,可这一切在我听来都很可疑。The crowds are enough of a problem as it is without having to worry about parking as well!撇开不得不担心的停车问题,拥挤的人群就足以成为一个大问题了。I've been lucky in that I have never had to worry about money.我很幸运,从来不必为钱发愁。I'd got nowt to worry about.我没什么可担心的。Life's too short to worry about the past.生命如此短暂,不要为过去烦恼。It seemed very middle-class to worry about such niceties as clean hands and darned socks.担心手是否干净、袜子是否有补丁这类面子上的事情,很像中产阶级的作风。You don't have to worry about her—she's got a good head on her shoulders.你不用担心她—她头脑清醒着呢。We don't have to worry about choosing a restaurant. 我们不必操心选哪家餐厅。You've really got no need to worry about your weight.你真的不必担心你的体重。It's only natural to worry about your child's diet.担心孩子的饮食是很自然的。She was starting to worry about work again.她又要开始担心工作了。You don't need to worry about Kimberley - she's true-blue.你不用担心金伯莉,她很忠诚。I had ceased to worry about my appearance.我不再为自己的外貌烦恼了。It's natural to worry about one's children.为孩子操心是合乎常情的。I don't want to bother him – he has enough to worry about.我不想麻烦他,他要担心的事够多的了。Just relax, there's nothing to worry about.别紧张,没什么可担心的。It's hard not to worry about her.很难不为她担心。I used to worry about him coming home late, but now I'm past caring.我过去常常会为他的迟归而担心,但现在我已经不再牵肠挂肚了。I know there's a problem, but I haven't got time to worry about that now.我知道有问题,但现在我没时间考虑那件事。It's just a check-up – nothing to worry about.这只是一次检查 — 没什么可担心的。I don't have to worry about carting belongings all over the world.我不用操心把我的财物满世界运来运去。I haven't time to worry about such trivia.我没有时间为这种琐事烦恼。Quite honestly, I don't think there's anything to worry about.老实说,我认为没有什么可担心的。Tenants do not have to worry about leaking roofs and broken washing machines.租房者无需担心屋顶漏水和洗衣机出故障。I have my own troubles to worry about.我有自己的问题需要操心。Try not to worry about it anymore. It's in the past.尽量别再为此担心了。已经过去了。It's just a simple check-up. There's nothing to worry about.这只是个简单检查,没有什么可担心的。




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