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词汇 Town
例句 Social activities might include barbecues on the beach and walking tours of the Old Town.社交活动可以包括沙滩上的烧烤和老城区的步行游览。Cape Town is by no means typical of South Africa.开普敦绝对不能代表典型的南非。Their first port of call will be Cape Town.他们的第一个停靠港将是开普敦。Town planning and land allocation had to be coordinated.必须协调城市规划和土地分配之间的关系。He lives in Cape Town.他住在开普敦。Town officials are hoping that some civic-minded person will volunteer to organize the parade.镇上的官员希望有关心公益的人自告奋勇来组织这次游行。During his later years, he lived in Cape Town.他的晚年在开普敦度过。There had been remonstrations from the Town Clerk.市政委员会曾经进行抗议。Town residents are required to recycle cans and bottles.镇上的居民需要将易拉罐和瓶子送到回收点。Town planning of a kind got underway after the war.战后进行了名不副实的城市规划。Kolbe grew up a vibrant, racially integrated quarter of Cape Town.科勒贝慢慢发展成开普敦的一个充满活力、各种族关系融洽的地区。Town life is the nurse of civilization.城市生活是文明的摇篮。He left town yesterday for a conference in Cape Town.他昨天离城去开普敦出席一个会议。He was so happy, he cut a caper on the steps of Town Hall.他太开心了,竟在市政厅前的台阶上手舞足蹈了一番。Police were on guard at Barnet Town Hall.警察在巴尼特市政大厅站岗执勤。Town meetings give people a voice in local politics.城镇大会给予居民在地方政治活动中的发言权。I got the Tube to Camden Town.我乘地铁去卡姆登镇。Burglars looted cash and mobiles from a shop in Tagore Town.盗贼从泰戈尔镇上的一家商店里偷走了现金和手机。The reconstruction of the Town Hall is scheduled to start next month.市政厅的重建计划于下月开始。Town gardens are ideal because they produce flowers nearly all year round.城市公园是理想去处,那里几乎一年四季鲜花盛开。I like that part of Cape Town.我喜欢开普敦的那片地区。More than 60 youngsters will perform in the play at Old Town Theater in Los Gatos.在洛斯加托斯古镇剧院上演的这出戏中,将有六十多个年轻人参加演出。Town centre shops face a threat from large out-of-town developments which offer hundreds of shops under one roof.市中心的商店面临来自市郊的大型新开发区的威胁,那里一幢建筑物内就可容纳好几百家商店。Cape Town is at the southern tip of the African continent.开普敦位于非洲大陆的南端。That year Sam enroled for law studies in Cape Town.那年萨姆注册参加了在开普敦举办的法律研习班。Fans of FA Cup giant killers Crawley Town are celebrating their win over Derby County.足总杯巨人杀手克罗利镇队庆祝他们打败了德比郡队。When the boat reached Cape Town, we said a temporary goodbye.客轮到达开普敦时,我们暂时分别。Jean opened the window, and heard the faint sound of the bells drifting across the Old Town.琼打开窗,听到老城那边飘来隐隐约约的钟声。Radical fire-eaters were all for taking over the Town Hall there and then.激进的好战分子完全赞同立即接管市政府。Town residents are pushing to prevent the shopping mall from being built.镇上的居民正竭力阻止修建那个购物中心。Birmingham City have completed the signing of Doug Bell from Shrewsbury Town.伯明翰城队签约聘用了来自什鲁斯伯里城队的道格·贝尔。They bring down the curtain on their African tour in Cape Town today.他们的非洲之行今天在开普敦落下了帷幕。Town residents qualify for a discount on the tickets.镇上居民有权享受票价打折。




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