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词汇 tower
例句 There's a wonderful view from the top of the tower.从塔顶看出去景色很美。The little boy put one more brick on the tower and it toppled over.小男孩在积木塔上又放了一块积木,塔摇晃着倒塌了。Minutes later the second tower collapsed.几分钟后第二座塔楼倒塌了。The tower of Pisa leans at an angle.比萨塔以一个角度倾斜着。The tower was designed by Gilbert Scott.这座塔楼是吉尔伯特·斯科特设计的。A pigeon emerges, wings flapping noisily, from the tower.一只鸽子从塔里钻出来,扑扑地拍打着翅膀。The church building lifts a tall clock tower.教堂顶端耸立着高高的钟楼。There is a door at the base of the tower.塔基上有一扇门。Pat was a tower of strength to our whole family.帕特是我们全家人的主心骨。The tower is a mark for fliers.这座塔楼是飞行员的标识。Before leaving the old town, spare another glance at the tower.离开这座古镇之前,再看一眼那座塔吧。The church tower loomed black against the livid city sky.塔形教堂在灰白色的城市天空下黑魆魆的,若隐若现。The tower exerts an enormous stress on the walls.塔楼对墙造成巨大压力。From the battlements of the tower floated a flag in the soft wind.在微风中,城堡的雉堞式装饰墙上飘著一面旗帜。He is still bickering with the control tower over admissible approach routes.他还在为可采用的进近航线与指挥塔台争执不下。The tower was part of the ramparts of the city.这座塔楼原是城墙的一部分。They occupied the first two floors of the tower.他们占用了塔楼的头两层。We climbed to the top of the tower to have a look at the view.我们爬到塔顶去欣赏风景。On top of the television tower, there is a steel transmission mast.在电视塔顶有一根钢制的发射杆。The pilot told the control tower that he'd run into technical trouble.飞行员向指挥塔台汇报说自己遇到了技术故障。Big Ben, London's famous clock tower, is located near the Houses of Parliament.伦敦著名的钟楼大本钟就坐落在议会大厦附近。The tower stands in splendid isolation on the cliff edge.这座塔巍然矗立在悬崖边上。Go straight ahead and you will see this square tower on your left.一直朝前走,你会在左侧看到这座方塔。The desk is large enough to accommodate a monitor or PC tower.这张桌子足以放下一台显示器或者一台个人计算机机箱。From the top of the tower, the outlook over the city was breathtaking.从塔顶俯视,这座城市的景色令人叹为观止。The tower was reared five hundred years ago.这座塔是五百年前建造的。People were compulsorily transferred from rural villages to the new tower blocks.人们被强制从乡村迁到新建的摩天大楼。That's a television tower.那是电视转播台。The tall tower adds to the visual impact of the building.高高的塔楼增强了这幢大楼的视觉效果。The tower impresses by its sheer height.这座塔高耸入云,令人印象深刻。The object of great interest at the Temple was a large marble tower built in memory of Buddha.这处庙宇最引人注目的是一座为纪念佛陀而修建的宏伟的大理石塔。Two firemen were hurt in a blaze which swept through a tower block last night.昨晚,一场大火吞噬了一座高层建筑,两位消防员被烧伤。A notable feature of the church is its unusual bell tower.这座教堂的一个显著特征就是它独特的钟楼。The architect drew up plans for the office tower.建筑师绘制了办公楼的平面图。Perhaps the tower was part of the ramparts of the city.这城楼或许就是城墙的一部分。We passed two ruined abbeys, one with a tower and one without.我们路过两座破落的寺院,一座有塔楼,另一座没有。You can feel the slight craziness of the tower in a strong wind.在强风中你能够感觉到塔在轻轻摇晃。The tower of the church was struck by lightning.教堂的尖塔遭到雷击。The swimmer dives into water from the tower.游泳者从塔跳入水中。She photographed the ancient tower.她把古塔拍了下来。




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