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词汇 to turn on
例句 I pushed the button to turn on the light.我按电钮把灯打开。The examiner told him to relax and then asked him to turn on the engine.考官叫他放松,然后叫他发动引擎。He really knows how to turn on the charm. 他确实懂得如何展现魅力。Use timers to turn on indoor lights while you are away.你不在的时候就用定时器打开屋里的灯。The rock star's fans began to turn on him.这位摇滚明星的歌迷们突然开始批评他。Parents can programme the machine not to turn on at certain times.家长可以设定程序,禁止机器在特定时间启动。I wish I knew how to turn on the heating.真希望我知道怎么开暖气。I want to turn on the television.我想打开电视。He'll have to turn on all his charm to persuade her.他将不得不特意使出自己所有的魅力来说服她。I will thank you to turn on the lights.请你把电灯打开。




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