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词汇 to try to
例句 He's using an obscure old law to try to stop the new road being built.他想用一条不为人熟悉的旧法律来阻止修建这条新路。He does not like his job, but is too timid to try to find another.他不喜欢自己的工作,但胆子太小,不敢尝试另找工作。But behind the scenes Mr Cain will be working quietly to try to get a deal done.但是,凯恩先生将会背地里偷偷行动以争取达成交易。I went to a hypnotist to try to give up smoking.我去一位催眠师那里,让他帮我戒烟。I did a few of the usual idiotic things as a teenager to try to draw attention to myself.我在十来岁的时候,经常会做一些傻事来引起别人注意。Part of my job is to try to stimulate the student's imagination.我工作的一部分就是设法激发学生的兴趣。It's important to try to understand viewpoints we disagree with.想办法去理解我们不同意的观点是很重要的。This time it was a friend ringing to try to arrange a fishing trip in Scotland.这次是一个朋友打来电话,想组织一次到苏格兰的钓鱼旅行。Doctors are obliged by law to try to keep their patients alive.医生按法律有责任想方设法让病人活下去。Without thinking, Charlotte hugged the girl to try to comfort her.夏洛特不假思索地一把抱住那个女孩试图安慰她。It's futile to try to avoid what destiny has ordained.想要逃避宿命是徒劳的。They hectored their colleagues to try to get results.为了拿到结果,他们威吓同事。A Safety Board team was on the scene Monday morning to try to determine the cause of the accident.一个安全委员会小组于周一早上到达现场,试图确定事故原因。She pulled the blankets over her head to try to shut out the light.她拉起被子蒙住头,试图挡住光线。She often slags off other musicians to try to make herself look good.她常常诋毁其他音乐家以试图抬高自己。All I've ever asked of you is to try to be polite to my mother.我要求你做的就是要对我母亲客气一些。There were tickets available last week, but he missed the boat by waiting till today to try to buy some.上周还有些票,但他一直等到今天才想去买,错过了机会。It was fatiguing sometimes to try to measure up to her standard of perfection.有时候,力求达到她尽善尽美的标准让人觉得很累。Ellie uses wit as a goad to try to force people to see what is in front of them.埃利运用机智来激励人们看清他们面前的状况。In the present situation, I don't think it would be a good idea to try to sell your house.就目前的形势,我觉得你要把房子卖掉并不是个好主意。Gandhi and Martin Luther King both led campaigns of civil disobedience to try to persuade the authorities to change their policies.甘地和马丁‧路德‧金都领导过非暴力抵抗运动,试图说服当局改变政策。Our goal is to try to provide financial help people in our community with a lot of disadvantages.我们的目标是尽量为我们社区里有许多困难的人提供经济帮助。Everyone is working flat out to try to trap those responsible.每个人都在全力以赴,设法捉住那些罪魁祸首。They're going to try to make a go of their marriage again.他们将试图再一次使他们的婚姻美满。We waved at the staff to try to get the bill.我们向工作人员招了招手,想要买单。The government used agents provocateurs to try to undermine the opposition party.政府利用坐探试图瓦解反对党。The two groups will meet next week to try to defuse the crisis/situation/tension.双方将于下周会面以求缓和危机/局面/紧张局势。Legal action is being taken to try to recover the money.正在进行诉讼以收回那笔钱。It is up to journalists and government officials to try to maintain sanity.这需要记者和政府官员尽量保持理智。The sanctions were a punitive measure used to try to force South Africa to reject apartheid.这些制裁是一种惩罚性的手段,用来迫使南非放弃种族隔离制度。We use focus groups, surveys, and questionnaires to try to gauge our customers’ needs.我们利用焦点小组、调查和问卷的形式来判断客户的需要。The government went so far as to try to arrest opposition leaders.政府竟然企图逮捕反对党领导人。The group has resorted to terror to try to get what it wants.该团伙诉诸恐怖手段以求达到目的。It's a constant struggle to try to keep them up to par.要让他们达标,需要不断努力。What he has done, as I understand it, is to try to arrange a meeting.据我所知,他是在设法安排一次会见。Talks have resumed to try to end the fighting.会谈重新开始,以期结束战斗。The government devalued the currency to try to revive the flagging economy.政府使货币贬值以振兴衰退的经济。The success of this type of therapy depends on the patients' willingness to try to solve their problems.这种疗法能否奏效取决于病人是否有解决问题的意愿。We have to continue to try to learn more about this.我们必须继续努力以了解更多有关这件事的情况。By the middle of the book we've learned that the church and the local politicians are in cahoots to try to slow Sonja's research.书看了一半的时候,我们知道教会与地方政客勾结,试图拖住索尼娅的研究。




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