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词汇 to train
例句 Some of the girls did not have the perseverance to train to his standards of precision.有些女孩缺乏毅力,未能训练到他要求的精确度。You have to train yourself to stay calm.你必须使自己保持冷静。He used to train in a local park and mingle with other runners.他过去常在地方公园里锻炼,并与其他跑步的人相交往。Many students come to Britain to train for the professions.很多学生来英国是为接受专门职业培训的。We had very little time to train for the big game.我们只有一点点时间为这次大赛进行训练。Mexico's Defense Ministry this month signed a pact that allows Mexican troops to train at American bases.墨西哥国防部本月签署条约,使墨西哥军队可在美军基地上接受训练。You have to train your mind to think positively.你必须训练头脑学会正面思考。Monsoon conditions in Cardiff meant that England's World Cup opponents had nowhere to train.加的夫的季风性天气状况意味着英格兰队在世界杯赛上的竞争对手无处可以训练。He will continue to train and may play in the reserves next season.他将继续参加训练,下个赛季可能打替补。Our aim is to educate people, to train people how to live their lives well.我们的目的是教导和培训人们掌握生活幸福的方法。You should soon be able to train with the heavier weights.你很快就能用更重的器械进行训练。Many companies recruit graduate trainees to train as managers.许多公司招收毕业生进行经理人培训。He usually preferred to train up a crew of enthusiastic young sailors from scratch.他通常更喜欢从零开始对一班满怀热情的年轻船员从头到脚进行训练。It can be very expensive to train new personnel.培训新员工会很费钱。You will have to make a special effort to train your child to be careful with her pocket-money.你得格外注意培养孩子的节俭意识,零花钱要省着花。The point of this exercise is to train new teachers.这项训练目的在于培养新教师。She'd left school and was at a loose end, waiting for a hospital place to train as a nurse.她毕业后没事可做,一直在等着去医院培训做护士。I want to train to be an engineer.我想受训做工程师。I often stair-stepped to train last year.去年我常爬楼梯锻炼身体。Few agencies have the time or the staff to train new employees.很少有服务机构有时间或人力来培训新员工。Reading between the lines, I don't think they want to train people who might soon leave the company.听其言外之意,我想这家公司不想培训很快就会跳槽的人。We never managed to train Sooty to walk to heel.我们从未能把苏蒂训练得跟在后面走。A skilled technician takes years to train.一个熟练的技师需要数年时间才能培训出来。Net surfers can use their credit cards to pay for anything from toys to train tickets.上网者能用信用卡购买从玩具到火车票的任何东西。I don't want to have another rookie to train.我不想再训练新兵了。It's easy to train dogs.狗是很容易训练的。The US was ready to train its troops to participate.美国准备训练军队参加。It is not difficult to train your dog to relieve itself on command.训练你的狗按指令大小便并非难事。Every inducement is offered to train swimmers as life-savers.为把游泳者训练成救生员,各种各样具有引诱力的优厚条件被提了出来。She had to train her mind to think scientifically.她必须训练自己,学会科学思考。More money was needed to train and equip the troops.训练和装备军队需要更多的钱。We're trying to train our dog to sit.我们正在训练我们的狗学蹲坐。We want to encourage people who left school early to train for better jobs.我们想鼓励辍学早的人接受培训,争取找到更好的工作。The difficulty arises from the fact that there has been insufficient time to train new staff.这困难是因为没有足够的时间对新员工进行培训而产生的。You will have to train your child to be careful with her pocket money.你必须培养孩子谨慎使用零花钱。We need to train more nurses.我们需要培养更多的护士。The club cannot cash up the money needed to train young players.俱乐部不能提供训练年轻运动员所需要的资金。




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