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He waited outside for her in the bitter cold.他在寒冷的室外等她。She is very bitter about the way she was sacked.就这样被炒了鱿鱼,她感到愤愤不平。There is a bitter/friendly rivalry between the two groups.这两个组织之间存在着激烈的/友好的竞争关系。Adebate on the causes of global warming has turned into a bitter war of words.关于全球气候变暖原因的争论已转化为一场激烈的唇枪舌战。This decision is a bitter morsel.这个决定真叫人受不了。The events of his life had turned him bitter.他一生中的遭际使他变得牢骚满腹。The taste is bitter and disagreeably pungent.味道既苦又辣得呛鼻。Their light summer clothes were no protection against the bitter cold.他们单薄的夏装无法抵御严寒。Loving relationships can turn bitter.爱能转化为恨。One day, you're going to die a lonely and bitter old man.有一天,你会变成一个老头,孤独痛苦地离开人世。Harvey feels bitter and resentful about the way he's been treated.哈维因为受到这样的对待,心里很难受,忿忿不平。The estate is at the centre of a bitter turf war between rival drug gangs.该地产正处于两伙敌对的毒品犯罪团伙激烈火拼的中心地带。She remained loyal to her unfaithful husband right to the bitter end.她苦撑到底,坚持忠于她那个不忠的丈夫。It takes a long time to get past the hurt of a bitter divorce.摆脱一场痛苦的离婚带来的伤害需要很长时间。They had always been bitter rivals.他们一直是势不两立的竞争对手。The defeat was a bitter pill for the team to swallow.对于这支队而言,这次失败实在难以接受。As he aged he grew more and more bitter.年龄越大,他越痛苦。Her mother-in-law is a bitter old witch.她的婆婆是个尖酸刻薄的老太婆。Campaigners vowed to carry on the struggle to the bitter end.参加运动的人发誓要斗争到底。His insulting remark was the occasion of a bitter quarrel.他的辱骂是激烈争吵的起因。They have been racked by bitter quarrels.激烈的争吵使他们不得安生。The weather turned bitter.天气转冷。The statement was greeted with bitter disappointment by many of the other delegates.这份声明使其他许多代表大失所望。The United States had no intention of backing down in its bitter row over farm subsidies.美国无意就激烈争吵的农产品补贴问题作出让步。The liquid has a bitter taste.这种药水有苦味。The bitter split which has developed within Solidarity is likely to harden further into separation.团结工会内部已产生的不愉快分歧可能会进一步演变为分裂。He levelled bitter criticism against the U.S.他对美国进行了猛烈的抨击。He became bitter and vindictive after his divorce.离婚后,他就怀恨在心,伺机报复。On the eve of the poll, campaigning was bitter.在投票前夕,竞选活动如火如荼。He is bitter about the inaction of the other political parties.他对其他政党的无作为心怀不满。I knew she would stand by me to the bitter end.我知道她会和我一起坚持到底。The experience left me with a bitter aftertaste. 那次经历让我心有余悸。France launched a bitter attack on EU proposals to reduce farm subsidies.法国对欧盟削减农业补贴的方案提出强烈批评。A bitter contest developed between the two men for that position.那两个人为得到这一职位展开了激烈的竞争。He vowed that he would keep fighting until the bitter end.他发誓要坚持战斗到最后一刻。There have been some bitter exchanges between the two groups.两伙人一度吵得很凶。Time has erased the bitter memories.时间使怀恨的记忆淡薄了。Her depression grew, fed by her bitter experiences.痛苦的经历令她更加忧郁了。He has almost lost his humanity in his bitter hatred of his rivals.对敌人的深仇大恨让他几乎丧失人性。The bitter circle of violence and retaliation will continue unbroken.暴力与报复的恶性循环将持续出现。 |