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词汇 to take up
例句 He left a job in the City to take up farming.他辞去伦敦商业区的工作,开始务农。He inspired many young people to take up the sport.他激励了很多年轻人参与这项运动。I'm really tempted to take up that job offer in Washington, but I don't want to burn my boats with this company.我很想接受华盛顿的那个工作机会,可又不想和这家公司闹翻。Mother objected that Jimmy was too weak to take up the job.母亲反对说,吉米身体虚弱,不可承担那份工作。The vice-president was forced to take up the reins of office.副总统被迫走马上任。She was unable to take up the Bangkok posting.她不能接受派驻曼谷的任命。Now that I don't have to work in the evenings, I'd like to take up sketching again.既然晚上不必去上班,我想再继续画素描。Maud sounded her on her willingness to take up the job.莫德试探了一下她是否愿意做这个工作。Maybe I can subrogate him to come down to take up the matter.也许我可以替他不顾脸面地处理这事。I know how busy you must be and naturally I wouldn't want to take up too much of your time.我知道您肯定特别忙,我当然不想占用您太多的时间。I don't want you to take up with the wrong crowd.我希望你不要交上不良朋友。Mr Fay is to take up an appointment as a researcher with the Royal Society.费伊先生将担任皇家学会研究员。You'll need to take up these trousers.你得把这条裤子改短一点儿。Carpet tiles are perfect for kitchens because they're easy to take up and wash.方块地毯非常适用于厨房,因为其便于揭起来清洗。He decided to take up journalism.他决定操新闻业。What led you to take up teaching as a career?是什么促使你从事教学这一行的?Whoever decides to take up the gauntlet and challenge the Prime Minister will have a tough battle.谁要是接受挑战,向首相叫板,都将经历一场鏖战。These files have been zipped up to take up less disk space.这些文档已经进行了压缩,以节省磁盘空间。He lifted the end of the canoe, nodding to me to take up mine.他一边抬起独木舟的一端,一边扬头示意我抬起我这端。I had been invited to take up my abode at Government House.我曾获邀下榻总督府。The sailors pulled at the rope to take up the slack.水手们拉起绳索把它收紧。I need to take up a sport to get fit.我需要开始一项运动以保持身体健康。Now that her children are all at school, she's going to take up full-time study again.现在孩子们都上学了,她打算重拾课本进行全日制学习。The manager has to take up the slack when employees don't do their jobs correctly.员工工作出错时,经理只好接手。UN peacekeeping forces are expected to take up positions along the border.联合国维和部队估计会在边界线上就位。The aim was not to take up valuable time with the usual boring pictures.目的在于不要用常见的无聊图片占用宝贵时间。Dr Mahathir intends to take up the proposal with the prime minister.马哈蒂尔博士打算和首相讨论这个提案。He left a career in teaching to take up a position with the Arts Council.他辞去教学工作到艺术委员会任职。We'd love to take up your invitation to visit you some time.我们愿意接受您的邀请,找时间去拜访您。If Sue gets a job, Mike will have to take up the slack at home.如果苏找到了工作,迈克将不得不接替她做家务。After the hasty meal, the men had moved forward to take up their positions.匆匆忙忙吃过饭后,大家走出来,各就各位。His encouragement and interest inspired quite a few people to take up skiing.他的鼓励和兴趣使不少人喜欢上了滑雪。She used a blotting paper to take up the ink.她用吸墨纸吸墨。I'll go now - I don't want to take up too much of your time.我现在得走了—我不想占用你太多时间。She has almost nobody to take up for her.她几乎没有人支持。A campaign to persuade people to take up their social welfare has been launched.劝说人们要求社会福利的运动已经展开。Our boss is not one to take up readily with new ideas.我们的老板不是一个容易接受新思想的人。We need to take up the floor tiles and sponge up the water underneath.我们得把地砖撬开,把底下的水吸掉。He was influenced by a high-school biology teacher to take up the study of medicine.他受了一位中学生物教员的影响而选学医科。They threatened to take up arms against the government if their demands were not met.他们威胁,如果要求得不到满足就要以武力抵抗政府。




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