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词汇 to struggle
例句 Like many other black families, his family had to struggle to overcome social and economic disadvantage.与许多其他黑人家庭相似,他们一家不得不苦苦挣扎来克服社会和经济上的不利条件。By this time he'd managed to struggle out of bed.此时他已经挣扎着下了床。They had to struggle over the pass with their donkeys.他们不得不牵着毛驴费力地翻越隘口。They have learned to struggle against adversity.他们已经学会同逆境做斗争。I felt it was useless to struggle against fortune.我觉得跟命运抗争是无用的。He began to struggle to work the knots free.他开始努力把结解开。Officers said they tried to talk Wilson into leaving the bar, but he started to struggle.警察称他们试图说服威尔逊离开酒吧,但他开始挣扎起来。When Bobbie leaves, we'll have to struggle on by ourselves until we find a replacement.鲍比离开后,我们得努力坚持下去,直到找到接替他的人为止。I had to struggle against the impulse to laugh. 我不得不使劲压住想大笑的冲动。He has agreed to struggle on, even though he was hoping to retire.他已答应再尽量工作下去,尽管他希望退休。She tried to struggle but he put his hand over her mouth.她想挣扎,但他用手捂住她的嘴。He was dicing with Jones for third place when his car began to struggle.他正和琼斯近距离追逐争夺第三名的位置时,车开始出现问题。The attacker's victim managed to struggle free.被袭者设法挣脱了。I had to struggle through the crush to get to the door.我不得不奋力挤出拥挤的人群来到门口。He failed to struggle against temptation.他没能经住诱惑。The team has continued to struggle in recent weeks.最近几周球队始终在挣扎。Paul began to struggle for all he was worth.保罗开始竭尽全力进行斗争。I don't want to struggle all my life for nothing.我可不想一辈子奋斗却一无所得。They had to struggle against all kinds of adversity.他们不得不同一切困境做斗争。She tried to struggle her complacency,but she couldn't help laughing.她想尽力不把得意的心情表露出来,可她还是忍不住笑出了声。He managed to struggle free from his bonds.他设法摆脱了镣铐的束缚。The party's avowed aim was to struggle against capitalist exploitation.该党公开宣称的宗旨是与资本主义剥削作斗争。




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