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词汇 to spread
例句 The volunteers' task is to spread knowledge of how to prevent the disease.志愿者的任务是宣传预防这种疾病的知识。There's no room on the couch to spread out. 那张沙发躺不下。Rose trod with care, in order not to spread the dirt.为了不扬起尘土,罗丝小心翼翼地迈步前行。The Internet can be a force for good by helping to spread knowledge.因特网可以为善,成为帮助传播知识的重要力量。I led a very confined life in my village so I suppose that I wanted to spread my wings.我在村里生活很封闭,所以想出去闯荡一番。The idea is to spread social democracy and economics outwards from Europe.其目的是将欧洲的社会民主与经济制度传播到世界各地。We're trying to spread the load by employing more staff.我们想通过雇用更多的员工来分担任务。The disease continued to spread until it involved the entire jaw.这种病持续扩散,一直影响到整个下颌。His noisome reputation for corruption had already begun to spread.他贪污的恶名已经四处传播开了。He tries to spread the message of safe sex.他努力传播安全性行为的理念。Firms may seek to spread their risks by diversifying their output.公司可以用增加产品种类的方法使风险分散。Now the citizens are beginning to spread to the countryside.现在城市居民开始向农村迁移。Missionaries were sent to the colonies to spread Christianity.传教士被派到各殖民地去传播基督教。The new system is designed to spread payments over several months but the net effect is that people pay more in total.这个新制度是为了把款项分摊在几个月里支付,但是最后的结果是合起来人们付得更多。In the vacuum of official information, wild rumours began to spread.由于官方封锁消息,各种离奇的谣言开始流传。He went forth to spread the news.他跑出去传播消息。His plan is to spread the capital between various building society accounts.他打算把资金分散存到不同的购房互助会的账户上。Campaigners worked tirelessly to spread the environmentalist message.活动家们不知疲倦地工作,宣传环保信息。If disease is allowed to spread, it will cause widespread devastation.如果疾病蔓延开来,将造成大范围的灾难性后果。In Peru, a cholera outbreak continues to spread.秘鲁的霍乱疫情持续蔓延。He wanted to spread his ideas to a wider sphere than the school.他想把自己的观点传播到学校以外。The idea is to spread social democracy and economics outwards from Europe.其目的是把欧洲的社会民主和经济体制向外传播。I plan to spread the work out over the next couple of weeks.我打算将工作分摊在未来几周完成。We will bring in extra staff to spread the workload.我们将会添加更多的人员分担这份工作任务。The stone she threw caused ripples to spread across the lake.她扔了一块石头,湖面泛起阵阵涟漪。They want to spread their ideology of hope.他们想要传播他们的希望理念。The militancy of feminist movements in England and the United States had begun to spread to the Continent.英格兰和美国女权运动的战斗精神已经开始蔓延到欧洲大陆了。Health officials are encouraging people to spread the word about the benefits of exercise.负责医疗保健的官员鼓励人们宣传锻炼身体的好处。When buying shares, it's wise to spread your investment over several companies.购买股票时,分散投资若干家公司是明智之举。The bills are sent out on different dates to spread the workload on council staff.这些议案都是在不同的日期分发下去的,以便分散市政会工作人员的工作量。Music is used as a way to spread the gospel.音乐是用来传播耶稣得救福音的一种手段。They wanted to spread out the project over 3 years.他们想用三年的时间完成该项工程。Snow is very likely to spread across the region by the afternoon.到今天下午,该地区全境很有可能下雪。We tried to spread the workload evenly between the departments.我们试图在几个部门间平均分摊这些工作。The ulcer continued to spread, and the doctors finally had to amputate.溃疡面积继续扩大,医生最后不得不进行切除。Although the doctors had been able to keep her illness at bay for a few months, the disease soon began to spread again.尽管医生将她的病情控制住了几个月,可疾病不久又开始扩散了。High-rise buildings were now beginning to spread across the area.在这一地区,高层建筑正在日益多起来。He had promised to spread himself in the preparation of this meal.他已答应尽力准备好这顿饭。It is mean to spread gossip about others.散布有关他人的流言蜚语是卑鄙的。College gave her a chance to spread her wings.大学给她一个变得更加独立和自信的机会。




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