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词汇 to speak
例句 More than once she lost the thread and had to ask them to speak more slowly.她多次走神,只好求他们说慢一点。She felt bad that she didn't get the chance to speak to him before he died.她在他去世之前没有机会和他说话,觉得很难过。Lara opened her mouth to speak, then closed it again.劳拉张嘴想说话,但是又闭了起来。She has two young children but no money to speak of.她有两个年幼的孩子,但没什么钱。I don't want to speak too soon, but I know he is to fail.我并不想言之过早,不过我知道他必然要失败。I decided to speak to him face to face.我决定当面跟他说。I'm quite deaf - you'll have to speak up.我耳背,你得大声说。The person I wanted to speak to wasn't available, so the operator put my call on hold.我要找的那个人暂时不在,接线员叫我等一下。Even though I disagree with you, I appreciate the sentiments that prompt you to speak out.虽然我的看法和你不同,但我很理解你的想法。I felt moved to speak.我不由得想说话。There's a man from the Times on the phone who wants to speak to you.《泰晤士报》有个人打电话来要和你谈谈。He mounted the platform and began to speak to the assembled crowd.他登上讲台,开始对集会的群众发表演讲。Who are they getting to speak at this year's graduation ceremony?今年的毕业典礼上会有哪些人作演讲?She has panic attacks whenever she has to speak in public.在公众场合发言的时候她总会感到一阵心慌意乱。He began to speak amidst loud acclamations of the audience.他在四座雷鸣般的欢呼声中开始演讲。Don't be afraid to speak up.别害怕,大胆说出来。Larry isn't afraid to speak his mind, even in front of the boss.拉里不怕说实话,甚至在老板面前也这样。The dialogue was unconvincing, partly because it was American actors trying to speak London English.对白听起来不真实,部分原因在于明明是美国演员,却非要说一口伦敦腔。It was several minutes before he felt composed enough to speak to anyone.过了几分钟后他才平静下来,觉得能和别人交谈了。Before the poor wretch had time to speak, he was shot.这个可怜的人还没来得及开口就中了枪。He tried to speak, but gulped, and no words came.他想说话,可又哽住了,一个字也说不出来。When he condescended to speak, he contradicted himself three or four times in the space of half an hour.他赏脸开腔后,半个小时内就有三四次说话自相矛盾。She was a forceful intellectual, unafraid to speak her mind.她是个有魄力的知识分子,勇于直抒己见。He continued to speak forthrightly about whatever was on his mind.他继续想到什么就直说什么。I get a real kick out of watching my son learning to speak.看着儿子牙牙学语给我带来乐趣。The entire family was staring at him, waiting for him to speak.全家人都盯着他,等着他说话。When she told me about her daughter's death, I was too moved even to speak.当她告诉我她女儿的死讯时,我难过得说不出话来。Panic suddenly gripped me when it was my turn to speak.轮到我说话时,我一下子惊慌起来。You'll have to speak to the guvnor about that.那件事你得跟老板说。The hijackers are demanding to speak to representatives of both governments.劫机者要求与两国政府的代表都进行对话。You will have no one to speak up for you!那就没有人会为你说好话了!If any one care to speak to this question?有人愿意就这个问题发表意见吗?Dick just sat there with a sullen expression on his face, refusing to speak.迪克就坐在那儿,面带愠色,话也不愿意说。It was irresponsible of him to speak to reporters.他向记者发表看法,这是不负责任的表现。In March she bravely faced the media to speak publicly about the trial.在三月份,她大胆在媒体面前公开发表自己对于审判的看法。We wanted to speak privately.我们想私下里谈谈。We teach our children to speak correctly and to have good manners, and when they become teenagers they do exactly the opposite.我们教育孩子要说话得体、有礼貌,但他们十几岁时会做得完全相反。He asked to speak to the person in charge.他要求和负责人说话。He said when she arrived that he wished she had never come, and then added insult to injury by refusing to speak to her for the rest of her visit.她来时他说但愿她没来;然后伤害之外又加污辱,在她逗留期间他一直拒绝与她说话。He nodded, not trusting himself to speak.他点了点头,不敢说什么。




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