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词汇 to sound
例句 There was no way the story could be made to sound even remotely plausible.这话再怎么说都全然说不通。I don't mean to sound patronizing.我没有自命不凡之意。Impatient horn blasts began to sound behind him.他的身后响起了不耐烦的汽车喇叭声。Without wanting to sound too boastful, I think we have the best television programmes in the world.我并不是想吹嘘,我确实觉得我们有世界上最精彩的电视节目。Yes, yes, I know. No need to sound so loud!行了,行了,我知道。不用这么大嗓门。I don't want to sound like a killjoy, but shouldn't we study tonight?我不想扫大家的兴,但今晚我们是不是该学习了?Mona tried to sound breezy.莫娜竭力使自己的声音听上去轻松随意。The colonel ordered the bugler to sound the charge.上校命令号兵吹响冲锋号。Without wishing to sound conceited, I am the best salesperson in the company.不是我自夸,我是公司最好的推销员。She tried to sound breezy on the phone.她尽量使自己的语气在电话里听起来轻松愉快。Excuse me to sound off, you're not right.恕我直言吧,是你错了。I wanted to sound her out about a job.我想就一份工作探探她的口风。She tried to sound conciliatory in discussing the current controversy.她尽量以和缓的口气讨论当前的争议。That's how concepts like general welfare start to sound quaint in this age.就这样,民众福利这一类概念在这个时代开始变得陈旧起来。I was trying to sound calm even though I was very upset.尽管我十分不安,但我尽量使自己的声音听上去镇定自若。Without wishing to sound ungrateful, I should like to point out that you only did what you were paid to do.我不想让大家觉得我不领情,但我应该指出你们所做的仅是你们领了报酬而该做的。She only talks like that because she wants to sound trendy.她用那种腔调说话,只因为她想听起来显得时髦。I don't want to sound big-headed, but I thought my picture was the best.我并不想自吹,但我认为我的照片是最好的。She got him on the phone to sound him out personally.她打电话给他,亲自向他探询意见。The Labour Party is expected to sound a reformist theme at its next convention.预期工党将在下届代表大会上发表一个改革的主张。He used his speech to sound a clarion call for affordable health care.他在自己的演说中强烈呼吁建立平价医疗体系。She tried to sound playful but somehow the words came out the wrong way.她想用开玩笑的语气说,可不知怎地话说出来就不对劲了。I don't want to sound like a snob, but I thought she was vulgar.我不想像个势利鬼,但我觉得她就是庸俗。As she read his letter, warning bells began to sound in her head.她读着他的来信,心中有一种不祥的预感。I made an effort to sound interested in what he was saying.我努力装作对他的话很感兴趣。He made no claims to sound scholarship.他并不自以为有什么大学问。I don't want to sound like I'm some old fogy.我不想让自己听上去像一个老古董。I don't want to sound overly dramatic, but it changed my life.我不想听起来太夸张,但它的确改变了我的人生。Mike did his best to sound up and cheerful.迈克尽量使自己的声音听上去充满信心,兴高采烈。My dad tried to sound calm and reassuring.爸爸试图让自己的声音听上去平静、令人放心。The song was a big hit last year, but it's already starting to sound dated.这首歌去年还非常流行,但现在听起来已经开始有点过时了。I don't want to sound like a snob, but I found the decor vulgar.我不想象个势利鬼似的说话,但我觉得装潢庸俗。Harry did his best to sound calm, but it was obvious that he was really annoyed.哈里尽力让自己说的话听上去很平静,但很明显他是非常气愤的。The crowd implored the referee to sound the final whistle.观众恳求裁判吹响终场哨。Trains are required to sound their whistles as they approach a crossing.按规定火车驶近交叉路口时要鸣笛。Alarm bells are beginning to sound at Westminster.威斯敏斯特的警钟已开始敲响。Without wanting to sound mean about it, these things all have to come from a budget.我并不想显得小气,但所有这些东西都必须从预算中开支。That dispute was to sound the death knell for the Labour government.那场争端预示着工党政府的倒台。I don't want to sound conceited, but I think my new book might be a best-seller.我无意自夸,只是觉得我那本新书有可能成为畅销书。They rang the bells to sound the alert.他们敲响了钟,发出警报。




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