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词汇 to sing
例句 She stepped into the spotlight and began to sing.她走到聚光灯下开始唱歌。They got after me to sing.他们再三要求我唱歌。Soon the whole crowd joined in to sing the song.很快整个人群都加入进来唱这支歌。I had to sing in crowded, smoky pubs.我不得不在拥挤、烟雾缭绕的酒馆唱歌。We prevailed with her to sing.我们说服她唱歌。Her vocal range was, to say the least of it, limited, and she had a distressing tendency to sing flat.至少可以说,她的音域不够宽,而且令人不舒服的是,她总是音高偏低。He loves to sing along with the radio.他喜欢跟着收音机唱歌。My mother used to sing to me when I was young.我小时候妈妈常常唱歌给我听。At the party, the students put him on the spot by asking him to sing.在宴会中,学生们当场请他出来唱歌,真叫他尴尬。He tried to keep his voice very quiet as he began slowly to sing to her.他压低声音开始慢慢唱歌给她听。She taught him to sing in harmony.她教他唱和声。As likely as not she first learnt to sing in chapel.很有可能她初次学唱歌是在小教堂里。Lacking a pianist, I had to sing solo.没有人用钢琴伴奏,我只好独自歌唱。She taught him how to sing harmony. 她教他如何唱和声。We prevailed upon her to sing.我们说服她唱歌。Our hostess promised to sing us a song after dinner.女主人答应饭后给我们唱支歌。It takes courage to sing in public.在公众场合唱歌需要勇气。They continue to sing the same old song they have been singing for years.他们多年来一直重复这样的观点,现在继续老调重弹。Birds began to sing as the sky paled into dawn.东方泛白、黎明来临时,鸟儿们开始歌唱起来。He has the pipes to sing on Broadway.他有一副能在百老汇演唱的嗓子。Almost without realizing it, he began to sing.几乎不知不觉地,他唱起了歌。Fittingly, she will spend her year off training her voice to sing blues and jazz.恰好她要休息一年,用来练唱蓝调和爵士乐。A little while later, I heard the strum of my father's guitar as he began to sing.过了一会,我听见父亲边唱歌边弹起了吉他。Some people tried to sing, but their voices soon died raggedly away.一些人试图唱歌,但他们的声音很快就陆续消失了。He hit the keys and began to sing.他敲打着琴键开始唱歌。She strained to sing the high notes.她扯着嗓子唱高音。It is advisable to sing out one's thoughts, especially about a controversial subject.把自己的想法,特别是对有争议问题的想法,讲出来让人知道,这是可取的。The soprano began to sing amidst acclamations of the audience.女高音歌手在四座欢呼声中开始演唱。She's very musical and loves to sing.她很有乐感,并喜欢唱歌。It flattered her to be asked to sing at their wedding.她受邀在他们的婚礼上演唱,对此她感到荣幸。A good soprano must know how to sing the arias in operas.要作一个好的女高音,就必须能够将歌剧中的咏叹调唱好。She didn't know anything about music but she liked to sing.虽然她对音乐一无所知,但却爱唱歌。And then he started to sing. Well, I didn't know where to put myself.接着他开始唱歌。唉,我简直尴尬极了。People gathered in the church to sing praises to the Lord.人们聚集在教堂唱颂歌赞美上帝。I'll try to sing for you, but I'm very rusty.我将试着唱给你听,但我因荒疏而很不熟练。I'd love to be able to sing like you.我要是能像你那样唱歌就好了。He seemed completely unperturbed at the idea of having to sing in a room full of strangers.他似乎一点都不担心在一屋子陌生人面前唱歌。She asked the tenors to sing the line again.她请男高音歌手把那一句再唱一遍。I'm usually a soprano, but I was told to sing the alto part for this song.我一般唱女高音,但却被告知唱这首歌的女中音部分。She jumped up on a chair and began to sing the national anthem.她跳上椅子,开始唱国歌。




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