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词汇 to scrape
例句 Young children were trying to scrape up some of the rice that spilled from the sacks.小孩子们正试图铲起从麻袋中散落的米粒儿。They only just managed to scrape the money together.他们只是勉勉强强凑够了钱。It took a long time to scrape off all the dirt and bits of food from the top of the cooker.花了很长时间才把锅上面的污迹和食物碎屑全部刮掉。You'll have to scrape the walls before you paint them.在刷墙之前你得先把墙刮干净。You'll need a stiff brush to scrape off the rust.你需要用硬刷子把锈迹刷掉。Children were trying to scrape up the rice that spilled from the sacks.孩子们正努力捡拾从口袋中撒出来的米粒。Many of our parents only managed to scrape along.我们当中许多人的父母只能勉强度日。I managed to scrape off the top layer of paint.我设法刮掉了最外层的油漆。He just managed to scrape through the entrance exam.他只是勉强通过了入学考试。He was trying to scrape the wax off with the back of a knife.他尝试用刀背把蜡刮掉。The car was covered in rust and Joey had to scrape it off with a knife.汽车外面都生了锈,乔伊不得不用刀把锈刮掉。He managed to scrape up enough money for lunch.他设法凑够了吃午饭的钱。He managed to scrape through his final exams.他勉强通过了期末考试。It was so cold this morning I had to scrape the ice off my windshield.今天早晨太冷了,我不得不把挡风玻璃上的冰刮掉。I had to scrape the dirt off the walls.我得把泥土从墙上刮掉。As the best men had been picked, we had to scrape the barrel.由于第一流人才已被选走,我们只好起用仅剩的次等人才了。I'll have to scrape the ice off the windscreen before we set off.我们出发前,我得把挡风玻璃上的冰刮掉。The tool was used to scrape hair off buffalo skins.这个工具是用来刮除水牛皮上的毛的。He almost manages to scrape a living as an artist.他靠当艺术家来勉强混口饭吃。Saturate the label with vinegar and let it sit before you try to scrape it off the bottle.用醋将标签浸透,放一会儿再将它从瓶子上刮掉。I managed to scrape through the exam.我勉强通过了考试。Money was tight, but we somehow managed to scrape by. 我们当时手头很紧,但还是设法挺了过来。She just manages to scrape by on her teacher's salary.她靠当老师的薪水勉强过活。We'll be lucky to scrape a draw.我们如果能勉强跟对手打平就很幸运了。




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