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词汇 to satisfy
例句 The movie's ending failed to satisfy audiences.电影的结尾没能让观众满意。Your qualifications seem to satisfy the conditions.你的资历看来符合条件。Her description of events was not enough to satisfy the court.她对事件经过的叙述不能让法庭信服。A compromise was eventually reached, but even this failed to satisfy environmentalists.最后达成了妥协,但即使这样,也未能令环保主义者满意。A pat answer is not going to satisfy an inquisitive audience.陈腔滥调的答案不能满足好奇的听众。The program is designed to satisfy the needs of adult learners.这一课程是为满足成年学习者的需要而设计的。The movie failed to satisfy her curiosity about the assassination.这部电影没能满足她对那起暗杀事件的好奇心。He wanted to satisfy himself that he had given his best performance.他想说服自己他已经发挥到极致了。Our company will do everything to satisfy our customers.我们公司将尽一切努力令顾客满意。Cheap goods are available, but not in sufficient quantities to satisfy demand.有一些廉价的商品,但是数量不足以满足需求。We must try to satisfy the needs of the multitude.我们一定要设法满足广大民众的要求。Her explanation was not sufficient to satisfy the police.她的解释不足以让警方满意。The firm has been unable to satisfy demand for its new small car.那家公司一直未能满足对其所生产的新型小汽车的需求。He has to satisfy the environmental lobby that real progress will be made to cut emissions.他必须令环境游说团体相信在减排方面将取得实质性进展。Perhaps the cat was killing to satisfy its hunger.那只猫也许是为了填饱肚子而大开杀戒的。The bank should hold enough cash to satisfy customer demand.银行必须备有足够的现金以满足顾客需求。We aim to satisfy the differing needs of our customers.我们力求满足顾客的不同需要。As a salesman, your cardinal rule is to do everything you can to satisfy a customer.作为推销员,你的首要任务是竭尽全力让顾客满意。I needed to satisfy my curiosity about what it was like to make records.我需要满足我的好奇心,知道制作唱片是怎么回事。Her husband tries to satisfy her every whim. 她丈夫尽力对她百依百顺。Horses need to satisfy their desire for space and freedom.应该满足马匹对空间和自由的需要。The owners were unable to satisfy all the demands of the workers.老板未能满足工人的所有要求。He ate a little food, but not enough to satisfy his hunger. 他只吃了一点东西,不足以饱腹。And to satisfy your sweet tooth, this café has desserts galore.另外,为满足爱吃甜食的人的口味,这家小餐馆还提供多种甜点。It's impossible to satisfy everyone.不可能让每个人都满意。His impeccable neatness was an attempt to satisfy some deep-buried urge to please his father.他无可挑剔的整洁是为了满足内心深处想取悦父亲的愿望。The candidates listed below have failed to satisfy the examiners.考官认为,下列考生没有达到要求。She skipped meals to satisfy her craving for chocolate.她不吃正餐,以满足自己吃巧克力的愿望。He paid a month's rent in advance, just enough to satisfy the landlord's avarice.他预交了一个月的房租,勉强满足了房东的贪心。Belief in God or a supreme being seems to satisfy some basic human need.信仰上帝或某个至高无上的力量似乎满足了人类的某种基本需求。The pace of change has not been quick enough to satisfy everyone.变化的速度还不够快,不能让所有人都满意。Jackson tried to satisfy me of his innocence.杰克逊试图让我相信他是清白的。We'll be carrying out our own inspection, to satisfy ourselves that safety standards are acceptable.我们将自行检查,以确信安全标准是可接受的。He used her just to satisfy his lust.他只是用她来满足自己的肉欲。One sandwich wasn't enough to satisfy his hunger.一个三明治不够他充饥。Just to satisfy my curiosity, how much did you pay for your car?仅仅出于好奇问一句,你那辆车花了多少钱?Both sides strove to satisfy the contract.双方都努力履行契约。At present we are only just managing to satisfy the demands of our customers.目前我们只能勉强满足顾客的需要。The website has enough good content to satisfy its users' intellectual appetite.这家网站有足够多的优质内容,能满足用户智力上的需求。We just can't find enough good second-hand cars to satisfy demand.我们实在找不到足够多的性能良好的二手车,满足不了需求。




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