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词汇 to relieve
例句 He was sent to Cairo to relieve Captain Roberts for a few days.他被派往开罗去接替罗伯茨上尉几天。The cat learned to go down into the alley to relieve itself in the dirt there.那猫儿学会了到下面小巷的泥地里撒尿拉屎。Smiling and laughing has actually been shown to relieve tension and stress.事实证明,微笑和大笑能够缓解焦虑和压力。He gargled with salt water to relieve his sore throat.他用盐水含漱以减轻喉部的肿痛。We play cards to relieve our tedium.我们玩纸牌作为调剂。He snuffed up steam to relieve a cold.他吸蒸汽来缓解感冒。Respite care is intended to relieve parents of the burden of caring for disabled children.暂托服务旨在减轻父母照顾残疾儿童的负担。Aspirin is commonly used to relieve pain.阿司匹林常被用来缓解疼痛。They high-stepped to relieve the guard.他们以高提腿的正式步态换了岗。We need to find ways to relieve overcrowding in our schools.我们得想些法子,缓解一下我们学校里拥挤的状况。You had better open your mouth to relieve the pressure on your eardrums.你最好张开嘴以减轻耳朵鼓膜所受的压力。More troops were sent to relieve the besieged city.为了援救这座被围的城市派去了更多的部队。There are plans to relieve overcrowding in the village.有计划要缓解村子里的过分拥挤状况。Lizzy stretched, in a futile effort to relieve her aches and kinks.莉齐舒展身体,想减轻疼痛和痉挛,却毫无效果。Rubbing dock leaves on nettle stings helps to relieve the pain.将酸模叶子揉碎抹在荨麻刺伤处有助于止痛。Her jokes helped to relieve the tension.她的笑话缓解了紧张气氛。Exercise is the ideal way to relieve tension after a hard day.劳累了一天,运动是最理想的减压方法。In desperation, Mrs. Jones submitted to an operation on her right knee to relieve the pain.绝望之际,琼斯夫人只好同意在其右膝上做手术以减轻疼痛。Mrs. Jones submitted to an operation on her right knee to relieve the pain.为减轻右膝疼痛,琼斯夫人只好同意做手术。Peppermint leaves are believed to relieve tiredness and nasal stuffiness.据信薄荷叶可以减轻疲劳和鼻塞。Rescue workers were sent to relieve the trapped coal miners.抢险人员被派去解救被困在井下的煤矿工人。The United Nations has appealed for urgent international action to relieve famine in large areas of Africa.联合国呼吁采取紧急国际行动,针对非洲大面积地区的饥荒提供救助。They are trying to build up funds to relieve the poverty-stricken families.他们设法筹集资金来救济非常贫困的家庭。Boys are more likely to smoke to relieve stress than girls are.男孩比女孩更有可能以吸烟减轻压力。They try to relieve the symptoms of depression by drinking.他们试图通过饮酒来消除抑郁症状。He used to relieve himself in the garden when he was a boy.他小时候常在花园里大小便。Do some gentle exercises to relieve the stresses and strains of your day.做一些轻柔的运动来消除一天的压力和紧张。Harry tried to relieve the boredom by singing and whistling.哈里靠唱歌和吹口哨来解闷。They began to chat to relieve the boredom of the flight.他们为了给无聊的旅途解闷而开始聊天。It is not difficult to train your dog to relieve itself on command.训练你的狗按指令大小便并非难事。Drugs helped to relieve the pain.药物帮助舒缓疼痛。Not eating late at night should help to relieve the discomfort.避免深夜进食应有助于减轻不适。I took a day off to relieve the tedium of work.我休了一天假,排遣工作的无聊。The drug has been shown to relieve angina.这种药物显示出缓解心绞痛的功效。The offensive began several days ago as an attempt to relieve the town.进攻于几天前开始,试图解放这个城镇。They often find they begin to chat to relieve the boredom of the flight.他们发现自己常常是为了打发飞行途中的无聊才开始聊天。An armoured battalion was sent to relieve the besieged town.那个城市被困,一个装甲营被派去解围。Bracing on its own seldom is enough to relieve all the symptoms of osteoarthritis.单靠使用支具不足以缓解骨关节炎的所有症状。A secretary was hired to relieve her of some of the administrative work.雇了一个秘书来减轻她一些行政工作的负担。Most people indulge in harmless fantasies to relieve the boredom of their lives.大部分人都会沉迷于一些无害的幻想来缓解生活的沉闷。




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