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词汇 to regulate
例句 Laws have been made to regulate working conditions.我们制定了多项法律,以监管工作环境。We ought to regulate our daily life.我们应当使日常生活规律化。Police can invoke the law to regulate access to these places.警方可以借助有关法律来约束人们进入这些地方。Thermostats can be used to regulate the temperature of a room.恒温器可用来调节室内温度。The power to regulate commerce could not be qualified.管制商业的权力不能削弱。We need better laws to regulate the content of the Internet.我们需要更完善的法律来监管互联网内容。The powers of the European Commission to regulate competition are increasing.欧盟委员会对竞争的监管权越来越大。Attempts to regulate the Internet are usually doomed to failure.控制因特网的企图往往注定要失败。A hand-operated switch is used to regulate the gas flow.手动开关用于调节煤气流量。The AA called for laws to regulate clamping firms.英国汽车协会呼吁立法,规范夹车公司的行为。Teachers are not able to regulate the temperature in their classrooms.老师们不能调控教室里的气氛。One of the roles of the federal government is to regulate interstate commerce.联邦政府的职责之一是管理州际贸易。We must try our best to regulate our expenditure.我们必须尽力控制开支。Laws are needed to regulate genetic testing.需要有法律对基因测定予以制约。People sweat to regulate their body heat.人出汗是为了调节体温。It's hard to regulate financial systems, but that's not an argument for Rafferty's rules.对金融系统的监管很难,但这并不是说它就该杂乱无章。




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