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词汇 to read
例句 She had to squint to read the small print.她不得不眯着眼看小字。I'm taking this magazine to read on the plane.这本杂志我准备带到飞机上去读。She was able to read music from early childhood.她从很小的时候就能识乐谱。I used to read loads of Asterix books.我以前看了很多《高卢英雄传》系列漫画书。It was agreed that the few students sedulous enough to read the book deserved top marks for diligence.大家同意,那些勤奋并读了这本书的学生应该因为刻苦而得最高分。She was trying to read by the light of a single candle.她当时正在试图借着一支蜡烛的光看书。The book's small font was difficult to read.这本书的字小,读起来很费劲。The sign was hard to read from a distance.指示牌从远处很难看清。No one is allowed to read my diary.不许任何人读我的日记。He'd never learnt to read.他一直都没学会识字。Will you be quiet, I'm trying to read.你能安静点吗?我在看书呢。His books are a pleasure to read because he writes with such clarity and precision.他的书读起来赏心悦目,因为他的写作清晰而又严谨。Students grouped around the notice board to read their exam results.学生们围在通告栏前看自己的考试成绩。It would have taken me a lifetime to read all those books.我得花很长时间才能把所有那些书都看完。Students are advised to read all the questions carefully.学生们被提醒要仔细地阅读所有问题。It's a good idea to read up on a company before going for an interview.在去参加面试前,最好仔细了解一下该公司的情况。It's depressing to think anyone wants to read this kind of rubbish.想到有人愿意读这种垃圾东西就令人沮丧。He is anxious to read the share prices.她急于想了解股票的行情。Several of the gravestones had been defaced and were impossible to read.有几块墓碑遭人破坏,上面的字已无法辨认。Perseverance is required to understand the story and you have to read between the lines to find the book's full meaning.要读懂这个故事需要锲而不舍的精神,而想彻底弄懂此书的含义则需要领会言外之意。I tried to read a few pages, but I found it hard to concentrate.我想看几页书,但很难集中注意力。I'll need time to read the contract over before I sign.我要花些时间仔细阅读合同后再签字。If a guy always holds a book upside down to read it, he's considered some kind of nut.要是谁老是把书倒拿着看,他准被认为是个怪人。It became a habit with them to read before going to bed.睡前阅读成了他们的习惯。I never have the time to read.我从来没有时间看书。Jamie was thrilled when the teacher singled out his poem and asked him to read it aloud.老师挑出杰米的诗并让他自己朗读时,杰米非常激动。Jake was slow to learn to read, but now he's coming on in leaps and bounds.杰克以前学习阅读很迟钝,但现在进步非常迅速。Let's diddle the data line to read “October 1,1999”instead of “10/1/99.”让我们把数据图上的日期写法由“10/1/99”改为“October 1,1999”。It is important to read the instructions carefully before you start.开始之前先仔细阅读一下说明书是很重要的。The school uses old, time-tested techniques for teaching children to read.该校采用久经检验、行之有效的技巧来教授孩子们阅读。I should like more time to read.我希望有更多的时间读书。Occasionally I would deign to read one of her ridiculous editorials.偶尔我也会勉为其难读上一篇她写的荒谬社论。The gravestones were covered with moss so that it was impossible to read the names on them.墓碑上长满了青苔,看不清上面的人名。All the instructions are in large print to make them easy to read.所有的说明都使用大号字体方便阅读。He only bothers to read the directions if/when all else fails. 只有所有尝试均告失败时,他才会花时间去读使用说明。It's one thing to read a language, it's quite different when you have to talk it.能读懂一种语言是一回事,而要讲这种语言又是完全不同的另一码事了。The faintness of the handwriting made the manuscript difficult to read.字迹模糊使手稿难于阅读。I have several more pages to read.我还有好几页要看。You are advised to read the small print of household and motor insurance policies.建议阅读家庭财产和汽车保险单中的附属细则。Pack it in, Julie - I'm trying to read.别闹了,朱莉!我想看书。




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