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词汇 tore
例句 She tore the wrapping off the present.她把礼物的包装纸撕了下来。I tore up the contract.我撕毁了合同。The city tore the street up to fix a broken water main.市政府把这条街的路面打开以便修好破裂的总水管。The thought of her out there alone tore at my heart.想到她独自一人在那里,我的心都碎了。Fuentes tore off his hat and flung it to the ground.富恩特斯一把扯下帽子,扔在地上。She tore the book out of my hands.她一把夺过我手里的书。She tore the photograph into pieces and put it in the bin.她把照片撕了个粉碎然后扔进垃圾桶里。He tore a blank page from his notebook.他从他的笔记本上撕下一页空白纸。He tore open the creamy envelope that had been enclosed in the letter.他撕开了随信寄来的奶油色信封。Mary tore off downstairs, determined to see the visitors for herself.玛丽飞跑下楼,打定主意要自己去见来客。Karen tore his photograph to shreds.卡伦把他的照片撕得粉碎。She tore out of the house.她冲出了家门。They tore him apart when he left.他走后,他们把他批得一无是处。She tore open the envelope and frantically read the letter.她撕开信封慌忙看信。Without looking to left or to right, he tore off down the road.他也不朝两边看,就在路上开始狂奔。Paul tore open the packet as soon as it arrived.保罗一收到包裹就拆开了。The police tore the place apart looking for the money.警方彻底搜查了这个地方,寻找赃款。Police yesterday tore down barricades and stormed the city.警方昨天拆除了路障并在全城发起突袭。The speaker was applauded as he tore apart the prime minister's policies.发言者严厉批评了首相的政策,得到了一片掌声。They tore his argument to tatters.他们把他的论点驳得体无完肤。The weapon tore into his flesh.武器穿进了他的肉里。The explosion tore a hole in the side of the building.这次爆炸将大楼的一侧炸开了一个洞。They tore down the houses limb from limb.他们彻底拆了这些房子。Dan tore the page out, crumpled it, and threw it in the wastepaper basket.丹把这一页撕下来揉成一团扔进了废纸篓里。The attendant tore off the parking ticket and handed it back.管理员撕下一张违章停车罚款单交回。The dogs tore the fox apart.那些狗把狐狸撕成了碎片。I tore open the box, only to discover that some of the parts were missing.我撕开盒子,却发现有些零件不见了。He tore her arguments to shreds.他把她的论点驳得一无是处。Her sadness tore at his heart. 她的忧伤令他心如刀割。They tore my idea to pieces.他们严厉地批驳了我的观点。She tore the letter up.她把信撕碎了。Bobby tore past, shouting something about being late for work.博比飞跑而过,嘴里叫着上班要迟到了。The child's misery tore my heart.那小孩的不幸使我心碎。With slow deliberation, he tore the letter into pieces.他从容不迫地把信撕成碎片。In his fury he tore the letter to pieces.他盛怒之下把信撕得粉碎。I caught my sleeve on a snag and tore it.我的衣袖被一个尖利的突出物钩破了。The kids tore into the pizza. 孩子们开始狼吞虎咽地吃起比萨饼来。He undid the ribbons and tore at the paper wrapping.他解开缎带并撕开包装纸。She tore off two sections of paper towel and folded them lengthways.她撕了两块纸巾,把它们纵向折起来。The wind tore up several trees.风把几棵树拔了起来。




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