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词汇 to project
例句 The princess tried to project an image of herself as serious and hardworking.公主想为自己树立起认真苦干的形象。He tried to project an image the average voter could relate to.他想要造成一个一般选民可以认同的形象。He just hasn't been able to project himself as a strong leader.他还没能表现出一个强势领导者的风范。They have no ability to project themselves into her situation.他们无法设想自己处于她的境地会是什么样。A singer must learn to project his voice so as to be heard in a large hall.歌手必须学会运气发声,使歌声传遍大厅。He tried to project himself as a strong leader. 他尽力树立一个强势领导人的形象。We need to project our employment needs better.我们必须更准确地预测就业需要。He likes to project a macho image.他喜欢展现出一种硬汉形象。He is trying to project a more statesmanlike image.他在努力塑造自己更具政治家风范的形象。They made every effort to project the commission into the public eye.他们尽一切努力使那个委员会为公众注意。She manages to project a very distinct personality.她设法表现出非常鲜明的个性。So car makers are faced with the ticklish problem of how to project products at new buyers.因此,汽车制造商面临着怎样向新顾客树立产品形象的大难题。The campaign has tried to project a view of Labour as the party that cares.该运动试图给人一种工党是忧国忧民的政党的印象。Advertisements attempt to project a latent meaning behind an overt message.广告的意图是以公开的信息传达隐含之意。His first job will be to project Glasgow as a friendly city.他的第一项任务将是树立格拉斯哥作为一座友好城市的形象。It's a big theatre so you really have to project your voice if you're going to be heard at the back.这是一个大剧院,所以如果你想让后排的人听见就必须放开你的喉咙。You need to project your voice better if you want to be an actor. 你要想当演员,就需要更好地运气发音。It's difficult to project funding needs so far into the future.很难估算出今后的资金需求。Actors have to learn to project their voices.演员们必须学会运气发声。He is trying to project a more dignified, statesmanlike image in this election year.他正试图在这个选举年中树立一种更加威严、更有政治家风范的形象。A singer must learn to project his voice so as to be heard in a large hall.歌手必须学会运气发声,使歌声传到大厅的每一个角落。You'll need to be able to project two images onto the screen as the new one fades in and the old image fades out.你得能将两个图像投射到屏幕上,新的淡入,旧的淡出。He just hasn't been able to project himself as the strong leader.他根本没能表现出一个强有力的领导者的样子。Try to project your voice so that the people at the back of the room can hear you.尽量放开嗓门,让坐在后排的人能听到。




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