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词汇 to plan
例句 We will proceed according to plan.我们将按计划进行。He maintains that everything is going according to plan.他坚称一切都在按计划进行。Firm prices and stability will allow both producers and consumers to plan confidently.价格的居高不下和市场的稳定将使制造商与消费者都能满怀信心地制订计划。She's going to have to plan her next move carefully.她得仔细计划自己的下一步行动。Now that you're pregnant you'll have to plan ahead.你既然怀孕了,就必须预先把事情都安排妥当。It would be difficult for schools to plan for the future.学校很难筹划未来。We aren't attempting to plan ahead beyond the next two years.我们没有打算提前制定两年以后的计划。If we are to succeed in this enterprise, we shall need to plan everything very carefully.我们要是想把这个企业办好,每一件事情都要认认真真地去计划。The article contains information on how to plan your retirement.这篇文章里有如何规划退休生活的内容。She considered it pointless to plan in too much detail.她认为计划过于详细没有意义。How are you going to plan for the future?你未来将作何打算?Their failure to plan ahead is now coming back to haunt them.他们没能事先做好规划,现在麻烦来了。Once you have children, it's wise to plan ahead.一旦有了孩子,为将来计划是明智的。She has dusted down ancient recipe books to plan appropriate meals.为了设计出合适的菜肴,她重新研究起古旧的食谱。It took them years to plan and build the plaza downtown.他们花了多年时间在市中心规划并建造这座广场。Everything went according to plan, and we arrived on time.一切按计划进行,我们准时到达。So far the building work has progressed according to plan.到目前为止,建筑工程一直按计划进行。Not everything at the show went according to plan. 演出时并非一切都按计划进行。A select committee was formed to plan the project.这个项目由精心挑选的成员组成的一个委员会来规划。They worked with a travel agent to plan their vacation.他们和旅行社代理商一起规划他们的假期。We took the trouble to plan our route in advance.我们花力气提前计划好了路线。Everything went according to plan. 一切按计划进行。It's a good idea to plan your route before you leave.在出发之前,最好先计划好你的行进路线。He guaranteed us that everything would go according to plan.他向我们保证一切都会按计划进行。It's a good idea to plan ahead.提前做计划是个好主意。He hired professional landscapers to plan a garden.他请了专业园艺师来设计花园。Contraception enables couples to plan their families.夫妻通过避孕可以实现计划生育。I have to plan my academic work very rigidly and set myself clear objectives.我必须严格地规划我的学业,同时给自己定下明确的目标。The tutors' notes give guidance on how to plan your research.导师的讲义就如何制订研究计划给出了指导。But, two-and-a-half years later, things haven't quite gone to plan and Stanley's dreams of fame and fortune lie tattered and torn.但是,两年半之后,事情并未如愿发展,斯坦利追求名利的梦想完全破灭了。Everything went off according to plan.所有事情在按照计划进行。She helped them to plan their route.她帮助他们设计路线。You will need to plan your shopping carefully in advance.你需要预先将要买的东西计划一下。We need to plan for the future.我们需要计划一下未来。They activated their sleepers over there to plan on a terrorist attack on Paris.他们启动了埋伏的恐怖分子,准备对巴黎进行恐怖恐击。Events of this type rarely go according to plan.这类事件很少按计划进行。It's important to plan carefully before venturing on a long journey.在远途旅行之前,细心安排很重要。It's important to plan for the future.为将来做好打算很重要。If all goes according to plan, the first concert will be Tuesday evening.如果一切都按计划进行的话,第一场音乐会将在星期二晚上举行。They want to plan much further ahead than the next few years.他们想计划得更久远,而不光是接下来的几年。




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