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词汇 to pack
例句 We had only one week to pack and move out of our apartment.我们只有一个星期的时间收拾东西搬出公寓。There's a lot to pack into one day.一天里要做的事很多。Come on, children, it's time to pack away your toys.好了,孩子们,该把你们的玩具收拾起来了。My suitcase was full, but I managed to pack in one more sweater.我的衣箱已经满了,但我还是设法又塞进去一件毛衣。You're not going to have a lot of time to pack up your stuff before you move.你在搬家前没有许多时间收拾东西了。Prisons are having to pack in as many inmates as possible.监狱只好拼命往里面塞犯人。Don't forget to pack bandages, painkillers, and moleskin.不要忘了带上绷带、止疼药和防起水泡专用贴布。Advances in technology have made it possible to pack even more circuits on a chip.技术的进步使一片芯片可以集成更多的电路。When Max was fired from his job the whole family had to pack up and leave town.马克斯被开除后,全家人不得不收拾行李,离开城镇。Do you think he's going to pack up this job too?你认为他也打算辞去这份工作吗?Did you remember to pack the suntan lotion?你记得带防晒液了吗?Police arrived at his hotel and ordered him to pack his bags.警察到了他住的旅馆,命令他收拾东西离开。OK, guys - it's time to pack up now.好了,各位,现在该收工了。Each Trident sub is said to pack more wallop than the combined fleets of all navies in World War II.据说,每艘三叉戟潜艇配备的打击力比第二次世界大战中所有海军舰队的打击力总和还大。He walked back to the hotel to pack and pay his bill.他走回旅馆收拾行李并结账。He was told by the boss to pack up.老板告诉他,他被解雇了。It didn't take her long to pack the few clothes she would need.她没花多少时间就收拾好了那几件所需的衣物。The children were making a din and I told them to pack it up.孩子们在吵吵嚷嚷,我叫他们别喧闹。We only had enough room to pack the bare essentials. 我们只有装必需品的空儿了。When I come to the end of the day, I'm glad to pack up my tools and go home.每天下班的时候,我都会高高兴兴地收起工具回家。If the experiment is not successful,I am ready to pack it in.如果试验不成功,我甘愿承认失败。They wanted to pack it all in and go back to college.他们想要就此放弃,然后重回大学校园。I rushed to pack my suitcase before she came back.趁她还没回来我赶紧把手提箱收拾好。Don't forget to pack the insect spray.别忘了把杀虫剂装进去。I decided to pack in my paintbrushes and go to business school.我决定彻底告别画笔,上商学院学习。It did not take Andrew long to pack a suitcase.安德鲁很快就整理好了手提箱。I decided to pack a few things and take the kids to my Mum's.我决定收拾些东西,带孩子们去我妈妈家。Be sure to pack your bathing suit and a towel.一定要装上泳衣和毛巾。I'd tell him to pack his bags.我会告诉他准备走人。The moment the door was open,people began to pack into the hall.门一打开,人们就涌进了大厅。Rain caused the loose dirt to pack.雨使松土变成泥块。The man who killed him was acquitted, having taken precautions to pack the jury with his friends.杀害他的男子预先将他的朋友们安插进陪审团,从而被宣告无罪。He'd left me to pack up the mail and post it off.他已让我把邮件打包寄出去了。Don't forget to pack your toothbrush.别忘了装上牙刷。I somehow managed to pack all my gear into one suitcase.我想法子把我所有的装备都塞到了一个手提箱里。He was told to pack up all of his letters and personal belongings.他被告知收拾好自己所有的信件和私人物品。You may take a few minutes to pack up your things, but then you must leave.你可以用几分钟收拾行李,但之后必须离开。They went into their respective bedrooms to pack.他们回到各自的卧室打包。It's time to pack up. Let's have lunch.收工的时间到了,我们吃饭去。We told her to pack her bags at once.我们告诉她立刻收拾行李走人。




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