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例句 I slit the bag open at the top.我从顶部把袋子划开了。The coastguard patrols paths at the top of high and sheer cliffs.海岸警卫队在高耸的悬崖峭壁顶上的小路上巡逻。Your writing materials are in the top drawer of your desk.你的书写文具在你书桌的最上面的抽屉里。The top stair creaked as she went upstairs and the noise woke up her mother.她上楼时最上面一级楼梯咯吱一响,吵醒了她母亲。Having added more fruit juice on top, drink it down in one draught.在上面再加些果汁后,把它一口喝掉。Climb to the top of the Eiffel Tower if you want a bird's eye view of Paris.如果你想俯瞰巴黎,就爬到艾菲尔铁塔顶上去。The cable box is on top of the TV.分线盒在电视机顶上。He graduated at the top of his/the class. 他是作为班上的尖子生毕业的。The top of the box turns back to show the goods.盒子盖可以打开,让人看到里面的货品。Houses are selling at top prices.房屋正以最高价格出售。The book has risen to the top of best-seller lists.这部书已跻身畅销书榜首。We'll make a stop when we get to the top of this hill.我们到达山顶的时候会休息一下。She was driving along in top gear.她当时正以最高挡行驶。Neither of the top teams has given us a drubbing.这两支顶尖队伍都没能打败我们。The company is retiring people at the top end and getting young people in at the bottom.公司正在上层裁员,而在底层招收年轻员工。The race was won by top jockey Eddie Andrews.顶尖骑师埃迪・安德鲁斯赢得了这场比赛。He is definitely one of the world's top golfers.他无疑是世界上最佳的高尔夫球手之一。Which direction do we take once we reach the top of the hill?我们到了山顶再朝哪个方向走?The experiments were top secret.这些试验绝对保密。The candy is up on the top shelf.糖果高高地放在架子的顶层。England soccer star Paul Gascoigne was signed up by a top Italian club.英格兰足球明星保罗·加斯科因已签约加盟意大利一家顶级俱乐部。How are you going to top that?你怎样超过那个?Five out of the ten top role models for British teenagers are black.英国十大青少年楷模中有一半都是黑人。The top four seeded nations are through to the semi-finals.排名前四位的国家进入半决赛。He studied medicine and graduated top of his class.他攻读医学并以全班第一的成绩毕业。They were perched on a narrow ledge near the cliff top.它们栖息在悬崖顶端一个狭窄的岩石架上。Put your name and sex at the top of the form.在表格的上端填上你的姓名和性别。Today, Corbett will continue his arduous climb to the top of the park's highest peak.今天科比特将继续他爬上该公园最高峰峰顶的艰苦旅程。Don't forget to write your name at the top of the test before you turn it in.交卷之前别忘了把自己的姓名写在试卷的上端。The house stands alone on top of a small hill.房子孤零零地坐落在一座小山顶上。He sees himself going right to the top of the tree.他预见自己在同行中将无人可及。She's very ambitious but I doubt she'll ever make it to the top.她很有抱负,但我怀疑她究竟能否成功。The United States will be at the top of the medal table.美国将占据金牌榜的榜首。These factories are top of the league in technology.这些工厂在技术上处于领先地位。She was singing at the top of her lungs.她在放声歌唱。This dinosaur is recognizable by the protuberance on the top of its head.这种恐龙可以通过头顶的凸出物进行辨认。The bullet had entered the top part of the brain.子弹已经进入了大脑的顶部。They climbed higher, right to the top of the hill.他们爬得更高,一直爬到了山顶。I'm delighted to be on top of the leaderboard in a tournament that has so many star names playing.在明星云集的锦标赛上位列积分榜第一,我非常高兴。A top reggae singer gave a young fan the thrill of her life when he serenaded her.一名当红雷盖乐歌手对着一个年轻的歌迷唱了一首小夜曲,这让她感到了前所未有的激动与兴奋。




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