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The committee has the power to order an enquiry.委员会有权要求进行调查。Tom went to the bar to order another round of drinks.汤姆走到吧台又给每个人要了一杯饮料。A great actress can usually weep to order.女明星通常在要她哭时就能哭出来。 The chairman called the meeting to order.主席宣布开会。I'd like to order a large cheese pizza.我想点一个大号的奶酪比萨饼。Cars are stolen to order for clients.一经买主要求,车子可以立即偷来。You might think you're very clever, but that doesn't give you the right to order me about!你也许以为自己很聪明,但这并不能给你随意使唤我的权利。The chair called the meeting to order.主席宣布会议开始。He had the power to order troops home with a stroke of his pen.他大笔一挥就可以下令撤回军队。What entitles you to order us about?你有什么权力命令我们做事? All items are made to order, so you can match handles with the colour scheme of a room.所有的物品都能定做,因此你可以根据房间的色系选择搭配的把手。We make wedding cakes to order.我们提供订做婚礼蛋糕。The judge had no authority to order a second trial.法官无权进行二次审判。You have no right to order me around!你没权利随意指使我!The press secretary strode into the room and called the meeting to order.新闻秘书大步走进房间,宣布开会。The judge has the power to order a retrial.法官有权下令对案件重新进行审理。The court has no power to order a psychiatric examination of the child's parents.法院无权要求对孩子的父母进行精神病检查。The teacher called the class to order.教师要班上学生安静下来上课。 Mr. Smith was called to order for using unparliamentary language.史密斯先生因使用了辱骂性言辞而被告知须遵守会议秩序。 She called for order/called the meeting to order.她要求会场安静下来。My boss seems to think he has a divine right to order people around.我的老板似乎觉得他随意使唤身边的人是天经地义的。Each mirror is made to order and can be designed to almost any shape or size.每面镜子都是定制的,几乎可以设计成任何形状和尺寸。She now makes wonderful dried flower arrangements to order.现在她为顾客定做漂亮的干花插花。The judge has the power to order a witness to give evidence.法官有权命令目击者提供证词。Don't forget to order some more paper for the copy machine - there's barely any left.别忘了多订购一些复印机用的纸—差不多没有了。Detach this card and mail today to order your copy of the new book.撕下附卡,即日邮寄以订购这部新书。The umpire is not to order any man out, unless appealed to by one of the players.除非有球员提出要求,裁判员不会把任何人罚出场。Would you like me to order a taxi?要我叫一辆出租车吗?The mechanic had to order the part from the manufacturer.机修工不得不从制造商处订购零部件。Everything in this restaurant is cooked to order.这家餐馆所有的菜肴都能定制。The opening gavel rapped the convention to order.小木槌一敲,会议宣告开始。Would you like to order a drink before dinner?吃饭前你要不要先点杯饮料?You might think you're clever, but that doesn't give you the right to order her about!你也许认为自己很聪明,但你没有权力向她发号施令!Midge clapped her hands, calling them back to order.米奇拍手示意他们安静下来。The girl behind the counter looked at me sullenly, waiting for me to order.柜台后面的那女孩闷闷地看着我,等着我自己来点菜。The weather on this holiday has been made to order so far.这个假期中,到目前为止天气都是完美的。The web site allows you to order groceries over the Internet.该网站使你可以在互联网上订购食品杂货。Email us if you require further clarification on how to order.如需进一步了解如何订货,请给我们发电子邮件。Only the king has the power to order her release from prison.只有国王有权下令把她从监狱里释放出来。Anyone wishing to order the book should send a cheque to the publishers.若想订购此书,请寄支票给出版商。 |