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词汇 biological
例句 Sexual impulses are largely governed by endocrine and other biological factors.性冲动在很大程度上受到内分泌和其他生物学因素的支配。The organization helps people who were adopted find their birth/biological parents. 这个组织帮那些被收养的人寻找亲生父母。Travel can disrupt your body's daily/biological/circadian rhythm.旅行能够扰乱你身体的日常/生物/昼夜生理节律。The U.S. threatened to impose sanctions on any country that used chemical or biological weapons.美国威胁要对任何使用化学或生物武器的国家实施制裁。One person in five is allergic to biological washing powder.五人中便有一人对加酶洗衣粉过敏。She practices biological control in her gardening.她在园艺种植中实行生物控制法。For some time mathematicians have suspected that biological shapes and processes obey mathematical rules.有一段时间数学家们曾推测生物形态和进程是遵循数学规律的。Genes are those tiny bits of biological information swapped in sexual reproduction.基因是在有性繁殖中交换的微小生物信息。Songs and laughter lubricate the biological clock.歌声笑语可使人体生物钟顺畅运转。Today, the majority of same-sex adoption cases involve a biological parent and a non-biological co-parent.当今大部分同性领养的情况都是一方是子女的亲生父母,另一方是共亲父母。The study indicates that human aggression is partly mediated by biological factors.研究显示人的攻击性部分是受生物因素影响的。Research involving the use of biological warfare agents will be used for defensive purposes.与运用生物战手段有关的研究将用来防御。Empty microcapsules were used as a control in the biological assays.空微囊被用作生物测定的对照物。The book raises many questions about our biological origins.这本书提出了许多有关生物起源的问题。Insects possess a biological clock that programs the insect's growth, reproduction, and dormant periods.昆虫具有一种生物钟,它会按照遗传密码控制昆虫的生长、繁殖和休眠期。We test the chemical and biological properties of the samples.我们测试样本的化学特性和生物特性。At this point, it is worth mentioning that many people who were adopted as babies have no desire to meet their biological parents.说到这里,应该提一下,很多从婴儿时就被领养的人都无意与亲生父母相认。Darwin eventually put forward a model of biological evolution.达尔文最终提出了生物进化的模型。Such a war could result in the use of chemical and biological weapons.这样的战争可能导致使用生化武器。Requests to take foster children abroad are often vetoed by the biological parent.把收养的孩子带到国外去的请求经常遭到亲生父母的反对。Long-haul flights can seriously disrupt your biological clock.长途飞行可能会严重扰乱你的生物钟。The biological balance is upset by over-intensive farming.生态平衡因为过度集中的耕作而遭到破坏。The living organisms somehow concentrated the minerals by biological processes.生命体通过某种生物过程聚集矿物质。Depression is both biological and psychological.抑郁症与生理和心理都有关系。To see the problem here more clearly, let's look at a different biological system, say, an acorn.为更清晰地理解此处的问题,我们来看一种不同的生物系统,比如说,橡子。She felt her biological clock ticking away and wanted to have a baby as soon as possible.她感觉自己年龄太大快不能生了,所以想尽早生个孩子。The process of biological evolution has taken billions of years.生物进化的过程长达数十亿年。If the stain remains, soak overnight in biological detergent.如果污渍洗不掉,可放进加酶洗涤剂中浸泡一夜。She uses biological controls in her garden.她在花园里使用生物防治手段。With jet lag, your biological clock is out of synch with the actual time.因为时差的缘故,你的生物钟与实际时间不同步了。She felt her biological clock ticking away.她感到自己年龄太大,不能生育了。Flying through these zones at ultrafast speeds can upset one's biological clock.以超快速度飞过这些区域将会使人体生理节律失调。Teenagers who discover they were adopted often search for their biological parents when they are old enough.有的十几岁的青少年在发现自己是领养的孩子之后,往往会在长大以后去寻找自己的亲生父母。Most young women feel a biological need to procreate.大多数的年轻妇女都有生儿育女的生理需要。This is a natural biological response.这是自然的生物反应。The convention bans the stockpiling of biological weapons.该公约禁止储存生物武器。




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