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词汇 tomb
例句 The tomb had been badly plundered before archeologists discovered the site.考古学家发现遗址之前,墓穴早已被洗劫一空。This tomb holds the mortal remains of a great pharaoh.这座墓里埋葬着一位伟大法老的遗骸。When they opened up the tomb they found treasure beyond their wildest dreams.他们挖开坟墓后发现了做梦也想象不到的珍宝。We found the tomb perfectly intact.我们发现这座陵墓完好无损。Archaeologists have now dated the tomb.如今考古学家们已经确定了这座墓的年代。All evidence suggested that the plunder of the tomb had happened long ago.所有证据表明很久以前这个墓就被洗劫过了。The stuffy air gave one the feeling of being in a tomb.闷热的空气使人觉得像在坟墓里。The tomb was inscribed with a short poem.墓碑上刻有一首短诗。Thieves had long ago plundered the tomb.很久以前,窃贼就洗劫了这个墓。They found this authentic manuscript of the book from an ancient tomb.他们从一个古墓里发现了该书的真正手稿。This tomb was the only one that wasn't touched.这座坟墓是唯一没人动过的。A group of students placed a wreath at the tomb of the national hero.一群学生在那位民族英雄墓前献上花圈。There's a curse on those who violate the tomb of the king.亵渎了国王墓地的人会受到诅咒。They found several glazed clay pots in the ancient tomb.他们在古墓中发现了一些上釉的陶罐。The tomb rendered up its secret.墓碑道出了它的秘密。He worked on the symbolic monumental sculpture for Oscar Wilde's tomb.他为奥斯卡・王尔德的墓地雕刻了一尊具有象征意义的纪念雕塑。For centuries the tomb lay inviolate until, by chance, it was discovered by two miners.数百年来这座坟墓未遭破坏,后来偶然被两个矿工发现。An endless snake of people winds past the tomb.看不见尽头的人流迂回经过墓地。Nick examined the elaborate carvings on the tomb.尼克仔细查看墓上那些精致的雕刻。We visited the tomb of Shakespeare.我们参观了莎士比亚的墓。Hallam's tomb had been defiled and looted.哈勒姆的坟墓遭到了破坏和劫掠。The tomb was adorned with delicate carvings.墓碑上饰有精致的雕刻。They had dug out an ancient tomb.他们已发掘到一座古墓。




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