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词汇 to mature
例句 The ultimate flavor of the cheese variety is determined by the length of time it is allowed to mature.这种干酪最终的味道是由其发酵时间的长短决定的。With Christmas just around the corner, starting your festive cooking now will give cakes and puddings time to mature.圣诞节即将来临,现在开始准备节日大餐将会有充分的时间做好蛋糕和布丁。Girls tend to mature more quickly than boys, both physically and emotionally.女孩子不管在生理上还是感情上都往往比男孩子成熟得快。These plants are then pollinated and allowed to mature and produce seed.然后,这些植物就被授粉,从而成熟结籽。Young male drivers are a higher risk category compared to mature ladies and even women of the same age.较之于成熟女性甚至同龄女性,年轻男性司机风险更高。The wine is left to mature in oak barrels.葡萄酒在橡木桶中陈酿。The cheese is left to mature for two years.为使之发酵成熟,这些奶酪需放置两年。Humans take longer to mature than most other animals.比起大多数动物,人类要经过更长的时间才能发育成熟。The olives are pulped, then left to mature.橄榄被捣成浆,然后放着慢慢发酵成熟。Most wines are left to mature before they are put on the market.多数葡萄酒都留待酿熟后才上市出售。It took several years for her ideas to mature.她的想法经过几年才酝酿成熟。The cheese is smoked and then left to mature.奶酪先经熏制,然后放置待其酿熟。Girls are said to mature faster than boys.据说女孩比男孩成熟快。A tree takes many years to mature.一棵树要经许多年才完全长成。




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