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词汇 to light
例句 He stopped to light a cigarette.他停下来点了一支烟。Our guide used a candle to light the way. 我们的向导用烛光照路。Nothing about this sum has come to light.关于这笔钱,没有透露出来任何一点消息。Potatoes turn green when exposed to light.马铃薯在光的照射下会变绿。Those old black and white prints are much more sensitive to light.那些老黑白照片对光敏感得多。Don't expose the film to light.不要把软片曝光。New evidence in this case has recently come to light.最近发现了这个案子的新证据。The fire took a long time to light.花了好一会工夫才把火生着。The investigation brought many new facts to light.调查揭露了许多新情况。If the boiler fails to light, first check that the gas is turned on.锅炉如果点不着火的话,首先要检查煤气是否开着。Move away from just relying on a central pendant to light your room.别再只靠一盏中央吊灯来给房间照明了。What are you going to use to light the stage?你打算用什么给舞台照明呢?Prince Edward threw the switch to light the illuminations.爱德华王子按动开关亮起彩灯。Woolley felt certain that he had made an important discovery and his conviction was strengthened as more evidence came to light.伍利确信自己有了重大发现,随着更多的证据被披露,他的信念更加坚定了。This evidence did not come to light until after the trial.庭审结束以后这个证据才被披露出来。The fire went out and he had to light it again.火灭了,他不得不重新生火。Stephen hunched down to light a cigarette.斯蒂芬弓着身子点燃一支烟。Many things left by the ancient Egyptians in tombs have been brought to light.许多古埃及人的随葬品已被发掘出来。Along a ground floor corridor a change of bulb strength would undoubtedly help to light the way.改变底层走廊灯泡的亮度,无疑会有助于照路。The government's argument broke down completely when new evidence came to light.新证据一经曝光,政府的辩解就完全站不住脚了。The truth is unlikely to be brought to light by the enquiry.真相是不太可能通过这样的询问披露的。We waited while Graham paused to light a cigarette.格雷厄姆停下来点烟的时候我们大家都等着。A reflex causes the contraction of the pupils when exposed to light.反射作用使瞳孔在受光刺激时收缩。I can't get the cooker to light.我无法点燃煤气灶。Plants grow rapidly when exposed to light.植物在阳光下生长迅速。The box contained a taper to light each firework.盒子里装了根点火蜡线,用来点燃每一个烟花。Their conspiracy was brought to light.他们的阴谋被揭露了。If the charcoal does fail to light, use a special liquid spray and light it with a long taper.要是木炭真的点不着,就喷些专门的液体喷剂,然后用长的点火捻把它点燃。She was angry when it came to light that some people were being promoted unfairly.听说有些人通过不公正手段得到升迁,她很生气。They used candles to light the room. = They lighted/lit the room with candles.他们用蜡烛照亮房间。The color fades when exposed to light.这颜色曝光后会褪色。New evidence has come to light.已经出现了新证据。Some serious problems have been brought to light by the latest report on health and safety.最近一篇关于健康与安全的报告使一些严重的问题暴露了出来。The mistake was only brought to light some years later.这个错误是过了几年之后才浮现出来的。In the wake of recent accounting scandals, new cases have come to light.继最近几宗会计丑闻之后,又有新案件曝光。These problems should have been brought to light much earlier.这些问题早就该被发现了。Stephen bent down to light a cigarette.史蒂芬弯腰点烟。I want to light out as soon as I've enough money saved.我一旦积起足够的钱就要赶快离开。He is anxious to keep his misdeeds from coming to light.他急于掩盖自己的不端行为。He immediately snapped his lighter to light her cigarette.他啪的一声急忙打着他的打火机,给她的香烟点着了。




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