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词汇 to leave
例句 Half way through the garden party my sister became ill and we had to leave in short order.花园招待会进行到一半,我姐姐病了,我们只好立即离开。 You have to leave or else you will be arrested for trespassing.你必须得离开,否则你会因擅自闯入被拘捕。We have to leave before sunup tomorrow.我们明天得在日出之前离开。I was feeling extremely jittery - all I wanted was to leave the bar as quickly as possible.我心里极度不安—只想尽快地离开酒吧。I was tired, but I thought it might not be polite to leave so early.我累了,但又觉得这么早离开可能不太礼貌。I felt myself unable to leave the city.我觉得自己离不开这座城市了。He was hemmed in by reporters as he tried to leave the courthouse.他打算离开法院时被一群记者围住。I like to leave work early on Fridays so I can get a jump on the traffic.我喜欢星期五早下班,以便赶在交通高峰之前回去。The way he decided to leave all of a sudden didn't make any sense.他这样突然决定离去让人难以理解。It is difficult for me to say this, but you have to leave.我很难说出口,但是你得离开了。He's decided to leave the band and go it alone as a singer.他已经决定离开乐队,单飞去做一名歌手。We had to ask him to leave.我们不得不要求他离开。When it was time to leave and return to civilization we both felt rejuvenated.当就要离开这里返回文明世界时,我们俩都觉得恢复了活力。It was careless of you to leave your umbrella in the train.你真不当心,把伞忘在火车上。Rhys shuffled his feet uncomfortably, trying to think of an excuse to leave.里斯不自在地挪动着双脚,很想找个理由离开。The State Department advised its employees that fighting near the borders made it too risky to leave the country.美国国务院劝告其职员,边境上发生的战斗使出国变得十分危险。I can't tell you how glad I was to leave that place.你不知道离开那个地方我有多高兴。Inmates had the chance to leave prison on day release in order to help the community.囚犯们获得了监外服刑的机会来帮助社区工作。We decided to leave since our only other alternative was to wait in the rain.我们决定离开,因为除此之外,我们就只能选择在雨中等待了。We jumped on the train just as it was about to leave.就在火车要开的一刹那,我们跳上了车。We are due to leave tomorrow.我们定于明天动身。The temperature rose to such an extent that all the firemen were forced to leave the burning house.温度太高,以致所有消防队员被迫离开那座燃烧的房屋。My secretary has threatened to leave.我的秘书扬言要离开。We had to leave the shelter of the trees.我们不得不离开树林,失去了掩护。She was forced to leave in disgrace.她被迫蒙羞离去。The decision to leave her children now haunts her.抛下孩子们的决定现在总让她不安。When she got up from the table, it was obviously the signal for us to leave.她从桌边站起来,这显然是要我们离开。There is no easy way to say this: you have to leave.说这话是不得已的:你得离开了。We need to leave ourselves some wiggle room when we're negotiating the deal.我们谈判业务的时候需要给自己留一些回旋余地。We had no option but to leave without them.我们别无选择,只好没等他们自己先走了。She took the first opportunity to leave.一有机会,她抽身便走。It might be well for you to leave now.你最好现在就离开。Logging companies would have to leave a central area of the forest before the end of the year.伐木公司可能要在年底前把森林的一处中心地带留出来。Mother reindeer had to leave her baby behind on whom the hyenas had sprung.驯鹿妈妈无可奈何地离开了被一群鬣狗扑住的孩子。If he refuses to leave here,the police will run him out.如果他拒不离开此地,警方将强迫他离开。In her hurry she forgot to leave her phone number.匆忙间她忘了留下电话号码。The fire officer took command, ordering everyone to leave the building.消防专员开始指挥,命令大家离开这幢建筑。He picked a fine time to leave us.在那个时候扔下我们走了,他可真是会挑时间。I knew they wanted me to leave even though they wouldn't say it to my face.即使他们当面不说,我也知道他们想要我走。As a mother, I sinned. I read the bibles of child development and still used to leave my children at playschool without saying goodbye.作为母亲,我做得不对。虽然读了各种有关儿童发展的权威书籍,还是经常连声再见都不说就把孩子留在了幼儿游戏班。




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