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词汇 to ignore
例句 Scientists have tended to ignore these findings.科学家们往往忽视这些发现。His strategy is to ignore inconvenient statistics.他的策略是忽略麻烦的统计数据。He has this enviable ability to ignore everything that's unpleasant in life.他有这种令人羡慕的本事,能够不去理睬生活中的种种不快。It would be a great mistake to ignore these problems.忽视那些问题将会酿成大错。She tried to ignore the faded carpet and the shabbiness of the curtains.她尽量不去注意褪色的地毯和破旧的窗帘。The movie industry had chosen to ignore the encroaching competition of television.电影业故意无视电视业的侵犯性竞争。The company's decision to ignore the problem speaks volumes about its lack of leadership.公司决定对此问题不予理会,这充分说明其领导不力。He tries to ignore the grumblers and just do his job.他尽量不理睬别人的抱怨,只是干本职工作。The girl's parents continued to ignore her very existence.女孩的父母继续无视她的存在。They knew that discrimination was going on, but chose to ignore it.他们当时知道歧视现象仍然存在,但是宁愿装聋作哑。The committee chose to ignore questions of the constitutionality of the Senator's actions.委员会故意对该参议员的行为是否合宪的问题避而不谈。These feelings are impossible to ignore.不可能忽视这些感情。Jason had managed to ignore a lot of the pressure for most of his career.在其职业生涯中绝大多数情况下,贾森成功地化解了许多压力。It was very stupid of you to ignore your mother's advice.你不听你母亲的话是很愚蠢的。It was a warning she would have been foolish to ignore.她当初如果不听这个警告就是太傻了。He tried to ignore the heat building up in the confined space.他尽量不理会狭小空间内越来越高的温度。I can choose to ignore these extraneous thoughts or certainly choose not to act on them.我可以选择无视这些无关的想法,当然也可以选择不按这些想法行事。She could not have failed to see it, but she had chosen to ignore it.这个她不会看不见,只是故意不去理会罢了。It would be foolish to ignore them completely.如果对他们全然不顾就是愚蠢的。The other kids used to call me names, but I tried to ignore them.别的小孩过去常常辱骂我,但我尽量不去理睬他们。Mr Darby was a mild, nervous man who seemed to expect people to ignore him.达比先生是个性情温和而又神经质的人,他好像希望人们不去注意他。She decided to ignore the slur implied in the comment.她决定不理会评论中隐含的中伤。I've learned to ignore all of my sister's hurtful comments.我已经学会对我妹妹那些伤人的话不予理会了。She tried to ignore the heavy irony in his voice.她尽量不去理会他浓重的讽刺口气。Surely the government wouldn't be foolish enough to ignore public opinion?政府真的不会愚蠢到忽视公众舆论吗?Pavlov was feisty in his opposition to the Soviets, but, aware of his fame, they were forced to ignore his insults.巴甫洛夫对苏联政府持坚决反对的态度,但由于他名声太大,政府官员只得对他的直言攻击装聋作哑了。You must discipline yourself to ignore the unimportant details.你必须训练自己,做到不拘泥于细枝末节。The best way to deal with a tease is to ignore him.对付嘲弄你的人,最好的方法就是置之不理。She tried to ignore him but he wouldn't leave her alone.她尽力不理睬他,可他就是不想让她清静。The judge chose to ignore the views of the doctors.法官决定对医生们的意见不予考虑。He preferred to ignore these comments.他宁肯对这些评说置之不理。He called on people to ignore what he called a smear campaign against the government.他呼吁人们不要理会他所称的针对政府的抹黑行为。I tried to ignore my irrational feelings of jealousy.我尽力不理会自己不理智的嫉妒心。Sadly, they chose to ignore our advice.可惜,他们决定置我们的意见而不顾。Real power is the ability to ignore the costs of imposing one's will on others.所谓实权就是能够将自己的意旨强加于他人而不必考虑代价。People seem very willing to ignore the risks.人们似乎非常乐于对这些风险视而不见。I shrugged, pretending to ignore him.我耸了耸肩,假装对他视而不见。This last clause is a thinly-veiled threat to those who might choose to ignore the decree.这最后一项条款明显是对那些可能会无视法令之人的威慑。We had to ignore the terrible things going on around us, and just concentrate on staying alive.我们只得不去理会周围发生的那些可怕的事情,只顾保命。It must be really bad, for her to ignore a summons from her mistress!她居然不听女主人的使唤,实在是太不像话了!




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